I have a lot of respect for that JW to apologize to someone he thought was an apostate.
Dear Bebu,
I agree. It was a stupid act. Yes, but it took alot of balls to show up at our door. He could have just called, or could have not contacted us at all. I do feel he was motivaated by fear of getting his "cawangers" to the chopping block, but I will say he could have just called to apologise. But as it was he skipped meeting, sent his wife on her way with the kids, and he snuck over without her knowledge. That is until he probably drove up when she did, because he was here so long. Mouthy said it best when she said God took something evil and made it into something good! I believe there may have been a reason this whole thing happened and turned out the way it did. He said he was very glad to have it all cleared up, and he now can see from our standpoint why we left. He was suprised we still believed in God and Jesus. AMAZING!!
Lady Liberty