Yes, maybe it is the Kult's Prolifik Use of Prozak which would enable
a human being to walk away So Detached, So Numbed, So Artificially
HAPPY at the Horrible Deaths of other Humans.
You may be onto something there.
What, I don't know exactly, but something... sounds like it might have
to do with "The Prince of the Power of the Air-Power".
(who better to do the Kult's Bidding)
I bet the boys in the art department are shitting themselves now.
If not now, I bet the Bethel Art Dept. Boys soon will be when the FBI comes banging on their door, hollering: "Search Warrant!"
(heeeyyy, no wonder the Bethel Artists NEVER sign their work... hmmm)
What's the bet that we see very few of these pics showing massive destructuion in cities, especially those with identifiable buildings
THAT would be a safe bet.
(today, I took the liberty of emailing the United Nations' website and asked them to check their Directory which lists the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and then shared with them JUST WHAT the Watchtower REALLY thinks of the United Nations... by posting the link in THIS thread... and methinks the United Nations officials are NOT going to be regarding the Watchtower too kindly since they took the liberty of calling the United Nations "Satanic"... and drew their Complex Come Crashing Down In An Apocalyptic Context)
But, it is NOW (they, the Watchtowerkult)
"They Will Be Haunted By Word Pictures & Graphic Images From Portrayals Past"
Kind of like The List - *
but this time, it will be a Gallery Of The Grotesque & Gruesome
some of us will be putting on Exhibit.
What's the bet the Watchtower WON'T be serving wine and cheese at this Exhibition?
thanks again for sharing with us, the result of your research.
All I can say is (and this feels WEIRD): "You're Welcome"
and right now, I am Overwhelmed with the Staggering Amount of these
Past Pix of jehovah-Of-The-WT turning the Kult's "Enemies" into
"Preciousness Of Pastures" . . . (right out of their New World Translation! How PERVERSE is that rendering?!?... or were they quoting Stephen Byington? Who cares. They endorsed it!)
I picked up half a dozen WTBS books at a secondhand bookshop including some very recent ones
Since I don't have much of the very recent Kult lit, ... if, after perusing these ghastly tomes, you find something especially horrific,
could you pass it onto me, and I'll try to add it to the Exhibit?
Tanks Mate!