Watchtower DESTROYS U. S. Capitol Building

by Tallyman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    Maybe the government will see no distinction between God and the people who shelter him :P :P

  • dungbeetle

    does anyone know if the various books have the same pic in the alternate language versions? In other words, does the French edition of Paradise Lost or whatever have the same picture as the English version? Same buildings being destoyed?

    If not, which buildings...

    And if yes, someone explain to me why the WT art dept has a hard on for American Buildings. That is realy REALLY scary... much dung, so little time...

  • Tallyman
    Maybe the government will see no distinction between God and the people who shelter him :P :P

    Naeb, let's hope so.

    The jWs give Safe Harbor and Shelter to their murdergod, jehovah-Of-The-WT and claim they have a Clear Channel to this grubby deity,
    who directs their Writing Department AND Art Department by the
    Schmoly Schpirit.

    The jWs give all the print propaganda page space jEHOVAH wants to
    tell the United States they are In League With The Devil and will
    SOON NOW be Exterminated - ALL will be destroyed - The United States Leaders, Citizens, Buildings... ALL (except for the Dream Homes that the jWs have picked out for themselves while casing neighborhoods, and which homes they will be living in when the Paradise begins...)

    The jWs are MORE than "messengers" for jEHOVAH. They ARE jEHOVAH.
    How many times did you hear it said, that when you hear or read what the Governing Body says or prints, you might as well consider it as if jEHOVAH herself was talking or writing to you - and you better NOT question or criticize it, or else!

    And looky WHO the Mighty Wizard of Oz turned out to be...
    just a pathetic old man. (but at least, not an evil old man like the governing body members are evil)

    In other words, does the French edition of Paradise Lost or whatever have the same picture as the English version? Same buildings being destoyed?

    Yeah db, I've wondered that.
    For instance, in the link above to that picture in the Watchtower book (American edition) of all the buildings being destroyed, ... did the British edition ALSO carry the same pic of "Big Ben" getting "Clocked!"?


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