Like I've been saying, I don't just follow a book, I know Jesus personally. Perhaps if you were to ask Him yourself whether or not He is there and the bible is the truth, He would show you Himself.
As far as my connection to the jw's, I posted earlier that I just follow the Lord. I do not fall into any denomination, nor do I choose to. I know Jesus, and mostly what He wants from me is to love His God, Him, and my brothers and sisters, and to follow Him.
Denominations have become pretty political, and you can choose to worship the Lord in their specific ways, but the truth is that both Jehova and His Son are real people, and if you want to know them, all you have to do is go to them and ask. You don't have to be a member of a specific church, read certain material, go through any school, do any sort of work, all you have to do is ask.
Relationships take work, and if you want to have one with the Lord (as a son, daughter, or whathaveyou) then it takes commitment, sacrifice, honesty, and of course love. There are good times and bad times, but sharing all your times with someone you love and who loves you makes even the bad times better. I can tell you, just by spending time talking with Jesus, and going through life with Him and His Father that they are good people, really patient, kind, and understanding.
Why not ask God to know Him? What do you have to lose? I'm not a liar, nor do I believe in lying. I'm not trying to get you to join a church, or anything. Just want to introduce you to the two who created you and love you. You can go to them anytime, anywhere, and it's something you can do on your own, without me or anyone else. The choice is yours.