Because He tells me things that will happen before they actually do.
Jesus is the judge
by soulfinder 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well here's your chance to make a convert. Ask him to tell you something that is going to happen to me in the very near future and I will believe!
Big Tex
With all due respect soulfinder, you seem awfully judgmental and more than a little passive/aggressive for one who tries to paint himself/herself with a "spiritual" and "humble" brush.
Surely one's standing before a Power greater than ourselves is a very personal and private affair?
Hmmm, I didn't mean to come off as judgemental. Sorry about that. I've done some pretty crummy things in the past, and it is good to know that wherever you are, there is always time to stop doing wroung, and do right. On that note there is no time like the present.
As far as asking me the future, I would highly reccomend asking the Lord Himself. He shows me the things He wants to show me, I don't really get to just pick what I want. I don't know the future very much, only when God tells me, but if you ask Him, He may show you. Sorry I couldn't help you more.
That a convient way to cop out, typical of christians trying to wealse out.
Nope, I'm just telling you the truth.
Really, I hope you'll go to Him. I don't know the future myself, I only know what the Lord wants to show me, but if you go to Him and ask (please don't just do it to test Him), then He may very well show you.