Its Time To Post!

by lurker 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, lurker. We lurked for a couple of years too.


  • bigmouth

    Pace yourself now Lurker! Nice to meet you. According to candidlynuts picture you have very nice legs.

    Welcome Paisley.

  • willyloman

    Just chiming in to welcome the lurkster.

    I was in your shoes three years ago, elder, conducting the WT, wife former pioneer, bunch of kids who all pio'd out of high school and were still active to varying degrees as young adults. The nagging doubts got to us and we took the blinders off and started to really examine our lives. We haven't set foot in a KH in more than 3 years, we've never been happier, and we have no regrets. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

    This forum helped me immensely. Stay, read and learn (sounds like you have been).

  • jaguarbass

    Hello, Lurker. Welcome to the board.

  • Nellie

    Let me join in the welcome wagon! You've said it's time to post . . . If you've been lurking for two years you know this forum is about sharing. Nowhere else will you find more understanding comrades - in one way or another, we've all been there. Congratulations on taking the first step - giving yourself permission to ask the questions . . .

  • sammielee24

    Hello lurker - welcome to the board! sammieswife

  • wannaexit

    Hey there!!

    glad you broke your silence and decided to post.


  • lonelysheep

    Welcome Lurker!! I'm glad to see you'll be joining in on the fun here!

  • V

    Welcome to the group and please know I empathize with your situation as I am still a JW with a believing wife.

    I hope we hear more from you!

  • sspo

    Welcome Lurker

    9 years as a MS and 21 years as an elder.

    Worked my butt off for the GB

    Waiting for the right time to get out myself, in the mean time just have to suffer thru.

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