I think you should demand all these guys take out a full page ad in the local newspaper and make a public apology! They need to tell what they did and apologize...otherwise it's off to court and let a judge mete out punishment!
by Lady Liberty 184 Replies latest jw friends
I think you should demand all these guys take out a full page ad in the local newspaper and make a public apology! They need to tell what they did and apologize...otherwise it's off to court and let a judge mete out punishment!
I think you should demand all these guys take out a full page ad in the local newspaper and make a public apology! They need to tell what they did and apologize...otherwise it's off to court and let a judge mete out punishment!
Ooh..now that is a great idea!!
Lady Liberty
This document shows which states have a criminal penalty to protect
victims confronted with Bias-Motivated Violence and Intimidation.
I agree with pressing charges. What they did was a hate crime. They were trying to "punish" you for celebrating your holiday.
All the times I hear how they are persecuted, and yet they are really the ones who persecute others.
If a cross had been burned in your yard, even though no damage was done to anything but a little bit of lawn, it would be a hate crime. This is the same thing.
While I think the 'hate crime' label gets misused at times, I think this is exactly the kind of thing it is really supposed to end. This was strictly done to punish you for leaving a religion. I am with the press charges and talk to the prosecutor about the implications of the actions they took against you. This was harrassment and intimidation, not to mention it was physically destructive to your property. What will they do if you have a birthday party, celebrate the 4th of July or let your kids trick or treat? Will they poison them?
That the elders stepped in and forced them to apologise is great-although we know they did it so as not to bring any dishonor or reproach to 'jehovah's people'. Which is actually fine-the actions of apology. But their motivations were not because they cared about you, or that they even cared what the idiots did. They only did it so the CO wouldn't be up their butts next service meeting after it hits the papers and Bill 0'Reilly et al. And MAY it hit the papers, Bill O'Reilly and the rest of them.
Their apologies are only crocodile tears. I would press charges. How did they know your husband could repair the snowman; how did they know that the eggs would not do serious damage. As you say, they are not teenagers and it would be educational for your area to know what kind of people some JWs are.
Blondie (would be pressing charges and asking back damages)
Great that your neighbor filmed it. Probably the only reason they are apologizing.
A big Welcome, Do You Mister Jones?"!!
Something sure is happening here but we don't know what it is! Maybe you can help us??
It really is a hate crime. Yes they are laughing but I guess those who burned a cross in a neighbors yard thought it was a hoot too.I guess those yahoo's who dragged that poor man to death in jasper texas thought it was a prank too.
If you apply what they did to any other religion or group, well you are on the news.
What if YOU had egged the KH? would they forgive you? or would they make a big deal of it, showing how bad apostates are?
we can spread this as far was we want to.
Have them arrested and press charges. That will shake the whole circuit up. Better yet, it will expose these boobs for the intolerant fools that they are.
I agree, youtube the video. At least leak it to the media.
yes you tube it
leak it to press
laugh is on them