How Do OLD AGE JWs Feel?

by ballistic 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I just want to know if JWs that have been in the "truth" all their lives, having given all for the "kingdom" die in peace or whether in the Autumn and Winters of their lives, they are stung by nagging intrusive thoughts... "I have given my whole life to this organisation and where is the new system?"
    I ask because these people were taught they were in "the last days" when they grew up many decades or even a century ago. How can someone go that long believeing it was going to be tommorrow? That is my definition of hell.

  • Fredhall


    Many of my old friends are still serving Jehovah down to this date. Why? Because they love him. Have faith like Abraham

  • radar

    Hi Ballistic

    I knew a number of "old timers" in my former congregation.

    They would regularly attend meetings, yet mostly they became quiet during Q+A items and particularly during the watchtower study.
    Often they were ignored because they no longer were in the forefront of activity.
    I believe the continual repetitve talk about better times ahead took toll on these poor souls.Their spirits were slaughtered.
    The Watchtower's trumpet of "the one that ENDURES to the end will be saved.", I think was the only thing keeping them going.


  • Stealth

    I think they are like the old people who are taken by gypsies and telephone scam artist.

    They are too embarrassed to admit they were taken, so they keep their mouths shut and don't tell anyone about it.

  • RationalWitness


    JWs approaching the end of their life 'in this system' normally cannot bear to face the truth that they have been misled. Happily, they do not have to do so ... the Society has wisely and lovingly provided a personal "life story" in the first of each month's Watchtower. These 'life stories' recount (in very carefully edited fashion) how lifelong Witnesses have been able to endure faithfully in preaching the good news and sticking to God's true organization despite disappointments and opposition. Reading these articles each month provides a reassuring affirmation of our life of denial.


  • Fredhall

    Don't forget guys, you have old men like Ray Franz and James Penton scam you out of God's organization.

  • ballistic

    Fred - how old are you?

  • Fredhall


    This cat is very old.

  • radar

    Fred, was you around when this was published?

    Watchtower 1954 478 - 18

    "18 There is no time to lose. This is a most urgent message. Time is fast running out for Satan and his system of things, for they refuse to recognize that the "Gentile times" ended in 1914 and Christ Jesus was then enthroned as earth's rightful Ruler. We are now forty years within "this generation," the generation that witnessed the eventful year 1914, the generation doomed to experience Armageddon. (Matt. 23:36; 24:34) Make no mistake about it, that final war is a fixed date on the divine calendar, just as sure to occur on time as all the other purposes of Jehovah have. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." "For to every purpose there is a time and judgment." (Eccl. 3:1, 17; 8:6, AS) Really, it is much later than most people think!"


  • Satanus

    Freds language is improving. He may have taken a course, or he is letting his personna slip.


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