This is a religion I am not too familiar with. So forgive me where I err. It seems that this religion accepts Jesus, but only as a minor prophet. This must mean that they do not see the bible as a holy book. One day I was talking to a man from Jordan. A nice enough fellow he was. I mentioned that King David probably had venerial disease as the scriptures mention a burning in his loins not to mention all the women that he slept with, that absalom his son later wanted to pork. Did he ever take offense!" Why you say that?" "Why you say that?" I said, "well, it's in the bible." He didn't dispute that, but it seems the Koran has cleaned it up a bit. Was the bible borrowed from? Is Islam not aware that the enmity exists between us because God's promised seed came from Sarah rather than the slave girl Hagar. Do they reject this? Judaism was completed with Christ so why are they trying to complete Christianity was there something wrong with it? I find it remarkable that any religion can look in there holy books and start wars just like the crusades. Yet others can look at the same holy books and derive peace and comfort from them. Is Islam seeking world domination. It seems that christianity is only looking at the afterlife or the future for it's hopes but Islam is looking for world domination here and now and death has a different meaning as well. If that's the case I would deem it a mistake to allow the swearing in of Keith Ellison on a Koran. If I am wrong though and the Islamists see it that way, then they should be encouraging whites in their country to swear an oath of office on the holy bible. We all know of course this will never happen let alone a white ruler in the middle east. I've heard it said that if you brought a bible to the middle east in many areas it would be torn apart. What sort of tolerance is this. It's a double standard. Can you imagine what would happen if you took a koran and did that what would happen to you! Look at the outrage caused by a friggin cartoon. I beleive we are witnessing the beginning of a new trend wherin simply by numbers we will be overun.
What's up with Islam?
by Tyrone van leyen 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Is Islam seeking world domination." Please don't confuse present examles of extremism with Islam in general. There are extremists in EVERY religion, and it is extremists who seek world domination. Most religious people want, seek, and pursue peace in daily living. I mean--hello!--have you forgotten what Christians (so-called) have 'accomplished' in the way in world domination/ colonization? Do you not think that the Native Americans and East Indians, e.g., weren't saying to themselves, "What's up with Christianity? Is Christendom seeking world domination?"
Tyrone van leyen
I know that there is extremism in Islam but even among the moderates they don't seem eager to disasociate or speak up about this. I feel like it is a hidden desire in all who practise this religion. Many also do not seem to have any desire to integrate. Where I live they wanted shariah law in ontario for divorces but didn't get it.{ Yet.} Everywhere they go in the western world they want there way. You would be laughed at if you tried that in there countries. It isn't a matter of force it is a matter of numbers. The more people, the more voting power and legislative power. Laws must be put into effect to preserve our cultural roots. Most other immigrants have gone into the melting pot or cultural mosaic of the country and left the ways of the old country as would be expected of anyone that chose to live in aforeign country. There are many religions within our coutries and that's fine but they are not seeking world domination.
Tyrone van leyen
I think I mentioned in my first post that christians are just as guilty of extermism with the crusades and I don't doubt at all that the Indians saw us as seeking world domination as well. However we are adressing the present day. In my opinion any religion that makes a woman cover her head anywhere she goes is extreme. In Australia an imam was told to apologize for saying that women are to blame for getting raped because of the way they dress. He said if you open a can of meat for a cat and leave it in the alley and it gets devoured it's not the cats fault. In the horn of Africa Islam was sucessful in taking over the warlords until the Ethiopians pushed them back. In France their are over 8 million muslims. Granted they have been mistreated by the government but there are peaceful means of getting a point across. Presently the usa is in Iraq trying to establish a government that will last and represent the people better. It's costing billions every month and American lives. If Americans were seeking domination why are they always going into battles with there hands tied behind there backs ie. vietnam. Mahmoud Amadinjad has openly stated he wishes to wipe israel off the map. I know, I know, I know, there, truly are innocents out there who are peace loving fine people in these countries, victims. But on a closing note since nobody seems interested in this topic. I will leave you with some insight. Just in case some of you are thinking i'm a racist your dead fucking wrong. I'm simply making observation and wish to see other veiwpoints. I once dated a woman who was a Syrian belly dancer from Damascus. She had been a Jehovah's witness for at least 20 years and whenever Saddam Hussein would be on the news she would kiss the television set. That is very telling in where the heart lies.
Christianty came from judaism. Jews and christians both want to dominate the world. Desire to dominate doesn't come from religion, it comes from the animal inside of people.
Many people have added new installments to the bible. The jews w their talmud and midashes, the mormons w their book of mormon and pearl of great price, mohammed w the koran, charles russel w his books, to name a few.
If that's the case I would deem it a mistake to allow the swearing in of Keith Ellison on a Koran.
If an athiest wanted to become a public official and they refused to place their hand on any religious book, would it matter? I wouldn't care if they wanted to place an oath on the Origin of Species. Once each and every country finds a way to separate religion from politics, the better off we all will be.
btw, it's not just islam - we seem to have a judeo-christian problem right here in the USA as well. our wise pres feels that god is telling him how to run the world.
"Is Islam seeking world domination." Please don't confuse present examles of extremism with Islam in general. There are extremists in EVERY religion, and it is extremists who seek world domination. Most religious people want, seek, and pursue peace in daily living. I mean--hello!--have you forgotten what Christians (so-called) have 'accomplished' in the way in world domination/ colonization? Do you not think that the Native Americans and East Indians, e.g., weren't saying to themselves, "What's up with Christianity? Is Christendom seeking world domination?"
Islam is in the peiod in which christianity was about 1000 years ago. It is in rapid growth and and now has the scisms that come with it. Also the christianty had a period much like this it was during the crusades. Still amazes me how christians forget who started this holy war idea.
Deputy Dog
Still amazes me how christians forget who started this holy war idea.
Me thinks you need to look a little closer at history. Just read the Koran.
Koran 9.5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
One day I was talking to a man from Jordan. A nice enough fellow he was.
Are you implying that Jordanians, or people who live in Islamic lands, are "heathen" and uncultured? I share a cube with a Muslim from Pakistan. He is college-educated and very friendly. He has views and traditions that I was unfamiliar with, but so what?
Is Islam not aware that the enmity exists between us because God's promised seed came from Sarah rather than the slave girl Hagar. Do they reject this?
Who is this "Islam" to which you refer? Islam is a religion, and the adherents are Muslim. And who says that Jesus is a more authentic bearer of a "promise" than Mohammed or any other religious figure? Who is to say that one religion has it right and one has it wrong? (And I would bet a very large number of Muslims understand that their promise comes through Ishmael whereas the Christians would trace the Abrahamic seed through Isaac.)
I find it remarkable that any religion can look in there holy books and start wars just like the crusades. Yet others can look at the same holy books and derive peace and comfort from them.
People can read whatever parts of their holy books they want and make it say whatever they want. If you had much experience as a JW going from door to door, you know that there is a wide variety of thought even among people calling themselves Christian. People saw justification in the Bible for Crusades to take back the "holy land" from those "heathen" Muslims.
If that's the case I would deem it a mistake to allow the swearing in of Keith Ellison on a Koran. If I am wrong though and the Islamists see it that way, then they should be encouraging whites in their country to swear an oath of office on the holy bible.
So you want Mr. Ellison to take his oath based on the Bible, a book in which he has no faith? Why would this even make sense? It would be hypocritical for him! Who says that Christians in Islamic countries are "whites"? I believe if Mr. Ellison believes the Koran is his holy book, then he will feel more obligation to serve well if he swears by it. To impugn him by saying Koran is associated with terrorism is tarring all Muslims with the same broad brush.
I've heard it said that if you brought a bible to the middle east in many areas it would be torn apart. What sort of tolerance is this. It's a double standard. Can you imagine what would happen if you took a koran and did that what would happen to you! Look at the outrage caused by a friggin cartoon.
You've heard it said? Is that really enough proof for you? Would that Jordanian man you talked to have torn apart your Bible? Would the average Muslim? The cartoon incident shows that there needs to be more understanding and dialogue between Western and Eastern cultures. However, as others have said, you'll find extremists in any culture.
I beleive we are witnessing the beginning of a new trend wherin simply by numbers we will be overun.
Who are the "we" that you refer to? Whites? Christians? America itself? America is now a pluralistic society: many cultures, many diverse viewpoints. Get used to it! It's not all bad.
I just now read an article on MSNBC news that indicates many cab drivers in Minnesota are refusing to transport passengers who have a dog with them (including service dogs) or who appear to be carrying a bottle of wine or liquor from the duty-free airport shops.
There are thought to be about 900 cab drivers in the M-St.Paul area, and probably 3/4 of them happen to be Somali muslims.
The local muslim society sent a "fatwa" or religious edict to the airport authority that to transport a dog or booze would be assisting the passenger in a "sin", so they cannot do so.
So much for the sheep-dip about "normal Muslims are tolerant people" and "only a very small minority hold extreme views" and "born again christians are as bad or worse than Muslims".
This is plainly and simply the most intolerant and prejudicial of all the worlds major religions.
The politically correct view that it is not is a delusion.