oh you know the drill Xena; "god" is all powerful, "god" is the embodiment of love, "god" is all wise, "god" created all things, "god" is a loving father.... All those qualities would leave irrefutable evidence, and in fact the "all" part means that there would be no room for disconfirming evidence. Somewhere today, a child was beaten to death, goddammit.
but since "god" was never "concrete" in any respect other than people's imaginations, the evidence against any traditionally defined "god" is of course, the type of evidence (or perhaps more semantically correct: lack of evidence) that leads to a negative conclusion.
As far as "concepts of god" go, well some people will tell you that other people have made money, or sex, or football, or science, etc etc., their "god". And you know what? I think they are on to something about the whole "concept of god" thing, that's exactly what every "god" ever postulated has been, a concept.
"All" this is jmo, of course, but when Nugoddallupinus returns, you'll see. YOU'LL SEE!
by Andy C 64 Replies latest jw friends
I don't see any evidence that the creator has made any attempt to communicate with mankind.
Communication equals existence?
Communication equals existence?
No. I already wrote what I wrote. Read the whole thing and please don't watchtower quote me.
Nicolau, I like your attitude. . .:)
I can see your point regarding "God" in a traditional role. Within that framework, ie God is Love, God is Justice then yea there seems to be evidence to the contrary. I guess I believe that making God in our image is most religions way of dealing with the unknown. People like parameters they understand. But just because a portrayal is false that doesn't necessarily equate with nonexistance.
I just got over Christianity, I am not sure about God. . .I can see the irrational parts, but I also sometimes think the world and people are too beautiful and perfectly arranged for their not to be someone who did the arranging. I guess right now I am not sure of a personal, doting, father God. Creator who went on to golf in another universe, maybe? That makes more sense when I also consider the crappy things that happen to people, like disabled children, and pedophiles, murderers and disease. I am not sure. I think if there is one, he can understand my confusion, so I am not in terror of what may happen after this body dies.
No. I already wrote what I wrote. Read the whole thing and please don't watchtower quote me.
Don't get your knickers in a twist dude. I asked you a question based on your post for clairfication. Answer and participate in the discussion or not.
You partially quoted me and then equated my partial answer to the entire question. Why would I give you any more time than I already have?
You partially quoted me and then equated my partial answer to the entire question. Why would I give you any more time than I already have?
Because that was the part I had a question about perhaps? Would you have felt better if I had quoted the entire post and then asked the question? Or is it the question you have a problem with?
As to whether or not you give me more time, I'm here on a discussion board to discuss things. If you want to discuss then post, if you don't then don't. Believe me either way I'm gonna be good.
No. And if he is there he is one sick SOB and Id rather not worship him.
So if you are there F*uck you.