What did you think of the CO's bi-annual visit?

by JH 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lfcviking

    To me it seemed so false, there was people you hadn't seen for ages coming out of the woodwork just to show their faces as if to remind everyone of they're still here. There was the Elders, MS's, their wives & others sucking upto him and if you were a bible study then you were supposed to feel flattered by him taking an interest in you by coming to your house & conducting your study. The JW's say there's no Hierarchy system in the KH, but especialy after a CO visit you do see tangible evidence of this.

  • JH

    Here is an interesting chapter about the Overseer


  • Outaservice

    It never bothered me as an Elder, as we had some of the best Circuit Overseers 'that money could buy'!


  • hamsterbait

    My Mother and Grandmother brought me up after my parents separated.

    The time the CO came for lunch , my Mom was in such a PANIC that she didn't think to invite anybody else.

    After lunch the CO's wife shared some girlie talk with them, and the CO fell asleep. They didn't want to wake him, so let him be until 20 mins before people arrived for FS.

    He said it was the nicest lunch break he'd had in years.

    he always spoke his mind. I think that was why he was so respected.




    The CO bi-annual visit is the WTS way to make sure the elders are towing the line.Then the elders make sure everyone in the congregation is hauling their load.

    The C0 talks are no more special than what is presented each week.They go over alloted time more often than not.Everything is always fine with the congregation but just get in more time in the field service, try to make each meeting and try to start more "BIBLE STUDIES".{ YEAH RIGHT }

    The CO visit has more people in attendance that week,more brothers and sisters in field service and the CO and his wife are invited to lunch and dinner at someone's house.Everyone is on their best behavior.

    The elder who never called me or talked to me all year,would make sure that he and the CO would pay me a visit and show what a loving elder he was.He would start off with how much I was loved in the congregation {LIAR}.Then as soon as the CO left,he would go back to the same routine.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The C.O.'s visit is basically akin to sweeps week in tellevision.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I say candidly nuts and Blondie totally nailed this subject.
    I was first appointed an elder in a congregation that had some
    problems. 3 weeks before each visit, the elders would say
    "what problems do we need to address?"
    Whether it was shepherding, meeting attendence, whatever-
    we would discuss it, decide who would do what, some action
    would be taken in the next 2 weeks so we could say we did
    something. When the CO asked, "Are there any problems?"
    our PO says NO. If he asked about a certain situation that
    we discussed 3 weeks ago, we say that we have been handling it.

    This was a game of "Everything is fine. We don't need help."

    The CO's played along, as long as numbers were okay.

  • nonamegiven

    When I was younger, I really didn't care about the CO visit. As I got older, I looked forward to them because of the general air of good feelings you have in a cong, much like the feeling that pervades around Christmas time. As I got older still and became an MS I didn't like it as much because it was the same old info and I had to juggle my life around to make the meetings and service. I also noticed the BS in the congregation. All the fake people and the fake care the elders show.

  • jayhawk1

    Could somebody explain why the always switch the meetings around when the CO shows up? At my Kingdom Hall, bookstudy was on Tuesday and School Meeting was on Thursday (it was Friday for years). But when this guy shows up, School Meeting became Tuesday night and bookstudy became Thursday. Why do they all do that?

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