My daughter, Jennie, got an iPod for Christmas. Currently we are downloading her mp3's from a CD to iTunes. However I am very confused about how to then download songs from the iTunes library to the iPod. I realize it cannot be in mp3 format (AAC seems to be the format required), and I have figured out how to convert an mp3 to AAC.
However I am still stuck about how to transfer from iTunes to the iPod. We have it hooked up to the computer but I see no option for transferring to the iPod. What am I missing? I have googled to my little fingers are raw, but I see no instructions anywhere.
Also when we convert a song from mp3 format to AAC, nothing in the iTunes library indicates which song is in mp3 format and which is in AAC format. How do I tell?
You know, it may have been illegal, but the old Napster was a whole lot easier! Why do businesses have to trick up a product and make things so difficult for the consumer?!
Any help is very much appreciated.