Are you vindictive?
by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I get angry, but I'm not a vindictive person.
I can't remember being mistreated by anyone that required a reaction of anger. I still like the people at the kingdom Hall that I knew when I was a JW. I can remember only one time that I had to restrain myself from whacking someone, she had her arms wrapped around my wife from behind and wouldn't let her go when I told her to. (I won't get into the story)
Ken P.
Once there was an Indian grandfather who was spending time with his grandson and was trying to help him in life by telling him a story. So he says to his grandson.
Grandfather: There is two wolves that reside in me. One is ferocious and seeks to devour, hurt and kill. The other is mild, kind, friendly and would never do anything to hurt anyone.
Grandson: Which one wins?
Grandfather: The one that I feed.
Paul put it well "yeild to wrath" I have never seen anything positive come out of being revengful or vindictive.
Vindictive or poetic justice, it could all have the same result depending on your viewpoint.
I figure people reap what they sow. And that has proven true for the most part with JWs I knew that were knowingly cruel liars. It came back and bit them in the behind.
Too much energy can be wasted on revenge or vengance. I have to remind myself of that.
I might want to get back at them. I think I would want to picket the Hall or Assembly if
I were DF'ed just for independent thinking, but then I would think of how much effort I would
be expending for such small return. Then I would be able to just skip it.[I figure people reap what they sow.] Or [What comes around goes around.]
They will get their just desserts in the end.