I'm pissed today and I'm about to let it out. I hope nobody gets offended because these are only opinions. Is anyone else outraged by our President? Poor Clinton couldn't get away with an affair (not that it's right) but Bush gets away with literal genocide? Where was the evidence of weapons in Iraq? Iraq wasn't connected to the war on terror. It seems to me that in today's world bad-mouthing Bush is nearly equivalent to apostasy; you can't say anything negative about it because then you are suddenly on the terrorist's side. That is simply not the case and I can't believe ANYONE buys into that line of thinking. That is the kind of propaganda dictators and Jehovah's Witnesses use! I don't agree with what happened on 9/11, I don't agree with nationalism, religious or extremism views but I also don't agree with how our idiot president has handled the situation. Him and his goons have lied about everything that has happened since 9/11. American media DOSEN'T EVEN SHOW the murders, the hurt, the pain, the bloodshed of those poor people in Iraq. They don't show dead bodies of children that have been shredded by our bombs. It's intellectual dishonesty, they are turning a blind eye to the disgusting violence that is going on over there. If they had been showing what is really going on our troops would have been home already. It's pointless to fight a war where you don't even know the enemy. This can't be solved with guns or more troops, it HAS to be solved with diplomacy. With words. The people that hate America might have a reason to. Like our presidents haven't ever done another nation wrong? This isn't even our war anymore. When are we going to stop the insane bloodshed? I'm just a patriotic as the next guy, but I will not be patriotic when our leader acts like this. It's high time we impeach our president and charge him with the same crime Saddam was charged with.
What has happened to America? Stop Bush, Stop The Ignorance.
by Morocco 60 Replies latest jw friends
Preaching to the chior here. I agree. The G Bush has really mislead the american people, I wounder if he even beleives his own lies. He certainly has no reguard for the Iraqis.
I totally agree with everything you've said mate. But what can we do? The only good thing that has come out of all of this is that George Bush and also Tony Blair are slowly loosing poularity and hence their days as World Rulers are numbered.
Be careful what you say. Some here might accuse you of feeling rather than thinking.
He scares those north of the border too.
Bush gets away with literal genocide?
That is a myth promoted by those who hate him and want to smear him everyway they can. Our troops are not indescriminantly killing everybody they can, much less trying to eliminate a people from the face of the earth (the definition of genocide) like Sadaam Hussein tried to do with the Kurds, the Serbs tried to do the Bosnians, and the Arabs are trying to do to the Jews. Au Contraire, every effort is being made to use precision weapons to reduce innocent casualties to the fullest extent possible under the circumstances. The real attempts at genocide that is going on over there are being perpetrated by two religious groups who are determined to butcher one another until all of one group or the other are eliminated. They are the ones who are freely using weaponry to cause the maximum amount of damage to everyone, including innocents. And those folks are doing so in direct violation of the laws in their own holy book, the Koran, forbidding such conduct of hostilities.
Iraq wasn't connected to the war on terror.
Excuse me? I guess you don't consider $25,000 payments to the families of every suicide bomber who attacked our ally, Israel, a connection with the war on terror. I also guess you don't consider files unearthed out of Sadaam's intelligence agency's archives detainling offers of help to Al Qaeda evidence of connection to the war on terror either. But then, since those things weren't widely reported by a media hostile to the U.S. president, you might not even be aware of them.
American media DOSEN'T EVEN SHOW the murders, the hurt, the pain, the bloodshed of those poor people in Iraq. They don't show dead bodies of children that have been shredded by our bombs. It's intellectual dishonesty, they are turning a blind eye to the disgusting violence that is going on over there.
Ah, but what they do show are films of Al Qaeda snipers shooting our soldiers, Al Qaeda foot soldiers attacking U.S. soldiers, and the aftermath of indescriminate car bombs. What they do not show is the good that our soldiers are doing over there. They don't show the schools our soldiers have built, the sick ones our soldiers take care of, even at times taking money out of their own pockets and food out of their own families' mouths to send some of those children and others over here to the U.S. to get the finest of medical care in the world, nor do they show the order and peace which prevails in many areas outside of the Sunni triangle. Those things do not make good newscopy and contradict the image of what is going on over there that the American media want you and me to have.
If they had been showing what is really going on our troops would have been home already.
The fact is they have not shown us what is really going on over there in its entirety. What they are doing is taking their strategy out of the media playbook and showing a distorted version of the whole picture. The good that our actions have resulted in are not being shown. Victories on our part are being portraid as defeats (Anybody remember the Tet Offensive? American soldiers kicked the North Vietmanese Army's butts all the way back to the border. But, according to the media it was a monumental failure and defeat). They are not showing the entire picture because they want the very pull-out and impeachment you are calling for.
This can't be solved with guns or more troops, it HAS to be solved with diplomacy.
That is your personal opinion. I happen to disagree. However, I do agree that it can't be won if that action is continued along the lines which have already failed.
I'm just a patriotic as the next guy...
I am glad to read that. And I will even go so far as to say you have a right to your opinion and voicing it does not inherently make you unpatriotic or treasonous.
It's high time we impeach our president and charge him with the same crime Saddam was charged with.
And my opinon is that you have spent too much time on liberal blogs and come to the opinion they wanted you to, the wrong one. But then you have the right to that opinion, however ill-considered I think it may be, as I have the right to disagree.
Country Girl
You can feel bad about Bush. It only counts if you get upset and someone sees it. I'll be with you if you try to stop Bush.. I hate him!
Look up "Robert Baer" on any search and read some of his interviews. Very interesting.
The 2008 election is less than two years away. Candidates are already jockeying for position. Here's a news flash for the Democrats: George W. Bush won't be running.
I'm beginning to think that if Bush didn't exist the Democrats would have to invent him to have something to talk about. Better work on coming up with something that looks like an actual plan to do something or voters like this swing independent still won't be coming back.
As much as everyone complains, I'm still waiting for someone to present an alternate plan. And getting the hell out entirely and immediately is not a plan. If the dems really wanna win over the American people's heart they'll at least present something in the next 100 hours.