Why do you ask?
Why do some people answer your question with another question?
by booker-t 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Why should I bother replying to a topic started by a poster who hardly ever responds to replies, even to acknowledge that they have read them?
I remember a talk given at the Kingdom Hall that encouraged Witnesses to answer a question, with a question. Maybe we subconsciously do that from our training? They said that was the correct way according to their reading of the Bible.
In some cases it might be okay, but others, "Just answer the question"!
AK - Jeff
It can be an intuitive way to make the questioner think. Questions can often be used to create dissention, but when answered with a question, it can have the effect of neutralizing the situation.
The best teachers I recall in my life never answered a question otherwise. They made me answer my own, and I appreciated that.
I didn't answer with a question here - but likely you still won't like what was stated.
I didn't answer with a question here - but likely you still won't like what was stated.
We will never know.......
Who wants to know?
Sad emo
The example you cited, I would say might possibly because you put them in a tight spot - good on ya!!
Other, more acceptable reasons for answering a question with another question imho are:
a) To try get the questioner to think more about what they asked - maybe help them work out the answer for themselves (to me this type would be in the form that Little Toe used in his reply)
b) To try help you see it from another POV without actually giving you the POV - eg I could reply by starting a sentence "Look at it this way...blah blah" but that would be imposing MY view upon you, whereas if I began "How about looking at it this way? ... blah blah" I'm not imposing my view but inviting you to consider and weigh it for yourself.
Hope my reply makes some sense!
What say ye?