What have been the strangest "Grounds for DFing?

by new boy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    I'm sure there are many..........

    What happen in my family was crazy........

    Glendora Califorina 1961.My mother wanted to change KHs, it had a "bad spirit" there. There was also a mass exodus from the hall. She wanted to go to the Azusa cong. She went to get her publisher record cards, to transfer over (thats how they did it back then).

    The "brother" said they whated to talk to her and my Dad first........In the meeting, they said they didn't want us to go. We were a liked and respected family, they WANTED us to stay. The flow had to stop! We would be the ones to stop the retreat!

    The real reason was the CO was coming and the numbers looked bad.

    My Mom said NO!...............My folks wrote a letter to the society that basted the "brothers" ( they didn't know, that every letter sent to the society is sent right back to the committee...........The committee got the letter from the society.......That really pissed them off.......they called my folks back in! Then things got really bad............lots yelling and name calling.

    Bottom line my Dad got DFed for "Rebelliousness against the Organization" My Mother got "Public Reproof"

    After 2 years of going to different COs to get Justice (none of them wanted to get involved) My dad flew back to bethel and talked to Harly Miller in the Service Department. He set up a Special Committee to reopen the case............The whole thing was overturned......."The Brothers" got a slap on the wrist.

    My father, reinstated never went back..........He said "If this is love.....I'll go some where else!"

    P.S..............We lived 100 yards from the Azusa territory boundry.

  • avidbiblereader

    The service commitee came to visit my mother as she was dying of cancer and couldn't lift her head to take pills with water without someone lifting her head, they met privately without the other elders and were going to DF her for smoking 19 days before she died in the hospital of colon and liver cancer. They didn't succeed as I told them never to set foot on my parents property, but two of them ensured her announcement of being in the hospital never made it to the ears of the congregation, no one came to see her after being a witness for 40 years, she died with a broken heart and tears in her eyes before she went into a coma, one of her last words to me was "no one came to visit me, no one loves me".


  • BabaYaga

    Avid... I am beyond words. I am so, so sorry.

    Sometimes reading posts like these, I just get completely livid. I lose all compassion for the ones I think are sincere. I have nothing but poison in my heart... and I'm trying... I'm trying so hard not to hate them.


  • becca1

    I knew a 13 year old unbaptized girl back in the early 70's who was disfellowshipped when she became pregnant.

  • garybuss

    I know a guy who was disfellowshipped for associating with a person who was disfellowshipped for associating with a person who was disfellowshipped for associating with a person who was disfellowshipped for associating with a person who was disfellowshipped for eating a meal with a person who was disassociated.

  • candidlynuts

    a 14 yr old girl df'd when she was raped by a brother in good standing in his 30s.. she "provoked it" they said.

  • riverofdeceit

    I have a wierd "offense"... but this is the "friends" section, not the adult section.

    Oh, and it didn't involve me, which makes it wierder that I know it. Only in the Dubs.

  • Confession

    My friend "Outaservice" once told me an elder threatened to disfellowship him for "lack of meeting attendance."

  • riverofdeceit

    I also have a friend who was disfellowshipped for polygamy. I guess I have some wierdo friends, and I sorta wish I could disfellowship them too, sometimes, but I don't. I don't because I guess I love them, like you are supposed to with your friends, even though they do some stupid shhhtufff. Kinda like the love that Jehovah claims he has for us, as interpreted by the Watchtower.

  • Alwayshere

    I know some who were DF for telling the truth.

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