Your mom will speak to your ex-JW ex-wife but she won't speak to you??? Anyway, congratulations on your new status.
It's now official: I've "turned apostate."
by Confession 26 Replies latest social family
Mene Mene, my ex-wife was always considered to be "spiritually weak," which of course simply means her meeting attendance wasn't as strong as that of others. Also, although she hasn't attended meetings in years, I don't believe she's admitted to any JW (including my mom) that she doesn't think it's The Truth.
It may not be an "across-the-board" truth, but generally those thought of as "spiritually weak" are given much more latitude than former elders who leave.
That makes sense. Maybe that's why people still talk to me then. They just think I am spiritually weak.
In my mother's congregation is a man whose wife, son and daughter-in-law were killed in a plane accident a couple of years ago, and he is alive only because he didn't go on that scenic flight that day. With this going on just down the road, my mum still thinks she has the worst problems in the world because I am sounding "frankly, a little apostate." Once their apost-o-radar is turned on they can tune it so sensitively that they can detect apostacy over two time zones via phone text.
Condolences; we've been conditioned to find that word so creepy that it throws you when somebody accuses you of it. Consider it their excuse for not making an effort for you.
Interesting that she can't call you, yet wants your address...probably to send the local elders to the door to save your soul.
I was thinking more like, to send the local elders to the door to disfellowship him, before he can "spread apostate lies" to the local Dubs.
Enjoying your comments, folks. As I may have written previously, after I first told my mother my position on the WTS, she wrote to this in a letter...
"I don't want to tell the rest of the family how you feel, hoping that you will pray for Jehovah's guidance and realize he loves you and wants you to get life and will forgive you if you will stop believing all that the apostate's [sic] are telling you."
It was only a matter of weeks, however, before my ex informed me that she had told the whole family. She also shared how this brought on negative comments from some of them. I told my daughter not to be surprised if some JWs came knocking on our door, and that's exactly what happened. Through the closed door I told him we weren't able to receive anyone and that we didn't want a visit anyway. He came back about a week later while I was gone, but my daughter didn't answer the door.
Later Mom told my ex she'd called them, asking them, "Please go try to save my granddaughter."
I really did not want her to know where I lived now. It's not that I'm trying to hide really. It's more that I don't think (given her position to shun me) that she has a right to know. I told my ex I didn't blame her for telling Mom. I don't want to pressure her to lie or make her refuse to reveal where I am. Obviously she would know where daughter was living. But I won't be terribly surprised if we receive a visit sometime.
Congratulations! on your being "MADE", meaning being (put into their classification of apostate). Now start worshiping Jehovah with your own conscious involved, rather than it's always being over, ruled by a hierarchy of pharaohs in New York City.