It's a quote from "Legends of the Fall," the novel by Jim Harrison, and the movie, starring Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt and Aidan Quinn, and it reminds me (in a way) how I've felt for most of my life--both in the JWs and out.
In the story, Aidan Quinn is the brother who always tries to do the right thing, living up to his responsibilities, treating others well. But Pitt is wild, generally irresponsible and unapologetic. Quinn's character says something like this...
'I have tried all my years to live by the rules of God and man, while you have lived by none of them, brazenly doing whatever you pleased. But they all loved you more...'
Have you ever felt that some people can make mistakes and irresponsible choices left and right--and receive understanding smiles or slaps on the wrist from others. But you? Oh, you'd better not even think about doing a fraction of what they've done--without receiving angry denunciation. Why does this happen?