Where did the universe come from?

by Blueblades 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    If it was always here, how did it get here? Let's leave God out of the equation for now.



    There`s a big sale on Universe`s at Wallmart...OUTLAW

  • bernadette

    Good question blueblades. I was just thinking the other day that I hardly know anything at all about evolution, other than what I've been taught by the wts. I do remember as a dub my son urgently telling me to subscribe to New Scientist. I did subscribe for a few years and found that at most maybe only 1 article from each issue made a little sense. The pics were amazing though.


  • Terry

    The question contains the presuppositions which create the artificial need for an "answer".

    Our minds are tools, after all.

    Our hands, our feet, and our minds do our bidding. Yet, the mind itself just keeps on cranking beyond the necessity when it starts running US rather than our actual SELF being the one who runs IT.

    Meaning what?

    Ever see somebody with the "jimmy leg"? The leg that keeps bouncing or the foot that wags like a tail when the person is sitting? There is no call for it to be using up energy unnecessarily--but, it just keeps going like the energizer bunny!

    Well, we are all so addicted to using our minds BEYOND NECESSITY it becomes a "jimmy mind" that keeps bouncing creating scenarios, daydreams, fantasies, questionings, puzzles, etc. just like that over-active limb!

    People who work crossword puzzles, sudoko puzzles, watch too much TV, play too many video games, etc. are addicted to the "jimmy brain" and exhaust themselves unnecessarily of ACTUALLY IMPORTANT (to survival) thoughts by frittering away their energy on "profound questions" that mean next to nothing.

    So---I'm begging the question here.

    What difference does it make where the universe comes from--if it came from anywhere? How does it put food on the table?

    You see, I'm saying it should be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on the list of necessities we use our brain for.

    The bible, faith, belief, superstition, praying, etc. are "uses" of the jimmy brain. They are welfare projects of those addicted to over-active brain time. No, seriously!

    Most theoretical physics, math and science take advantage of jimmy brains. 99.99% of what those brains come up with are useless meanderings, cogitations, conjectures and crackpot notions. But, the .001 % is darned useful indeed!

    So, what am I advising?

    Be aware that your mind is like some guy you hire to do chores in your yard who is getting paid by the hour. He keeps coming up with things to do that probably don't need doing because he needs the $$$

    Try relaxing your mind and just letting it BE...................

    Then, you won't give a hoot where the universe comes from.

  • Warlock

    Come on blue, it evolved....................from monkeys.


  • Satanus

    It came from a turbulence within the potential. Being that there is no resistence in the potential, it was free to emerge and expand explosively, as it continues to do today.

    The potential is not exactly nothing. It's more like a flat syne wave.


  • kwintestal

    There are many theories as to how the universe got here, but there's no way of knowing exactly how for sure, yet just theories. As time goes on and it is researched more people will find out how and I'm sure that it will be discovered and an answer will be given that is much simpler then most people would expect.

    But, agreeing with Terry, what difference does it make? It doesn't effect the fact that life goes on. Tomorrow we'll wake up, go to work, eat and go back to sleep again at the end of the day. This all has to be done regardless of HOW the universe came to be.

    I would say though how life came about is a lot easier to understand then how the universe came to be.


  • minimus

    Blue, you ask very few questions but when you do------their biggies!

  • truthseeker


    When you say the universe, I'm guessing you mean the material matter, not the container.

    I think the container has always been there and was not created by God.

    How do you define a universe with no matter? Emptiness, that's all it is! There's no discernible boundaries.

    How does anyone create nothing from nothing? They don't. It would be like me trying to build a box and then create the space in between.

  • truthseeker

    Another paradox.

    You chew some bubble gum and make a bubble out of it.

    There is space inside the bubble. If you were able to, you could put things inside the bubble, because space exists there.

    BUT - where does the void around the bubble come from? Nowhere - it has always been.

    The bubble you made occpies the same space as the space you used to create the bubble.

    Whatever the cause, I think the big bang created the material universe that we see, but probably not the space that is occupied.

    Time for a drink I think.

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