Where do I go from here?

by ddman 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ddman

    I left a year or so ago, told my parents about that time, (that was barrel of monkeys). At that point I have just put beliefs in the "backburner". I feel like i was burn't out on religion in general by the last 30 years or so in the borg. I'm not sure what to believe now. I haven't felt a spiritual void yet, but I have a 3 year old that will begin asking questions. So I figure I have a little time to make up my mind on what to teach her about spirituality. At this point, I've made up my mind that jw religion is a hoax by it's ever changing philosophy's. But I don't know if that means that god doesnt exist for me. I have various thoughts about this from, yes he exists and created us but now has abandoned us, to nope god is just a figment that man has created to deal with imortality.(although that doesn't explain jesus?)

    I just want to through this out there for discussion to get your feelings on the matter?

  • sexyk

    Hmm, iv'e thought about the same thing if whenever i start to raise a child. Not sure what to tell him or her about spirituality. I think im just gonna keep my basic thinking, like believe in what the bible says. But at the sametime, disagree with an organized religion. After all, i think you can have a good spiritual life without being in a religion.


  • searching4truth

    Welcome to the board.

    Now you go where all apostates go staight to hell. J/K

    Just take your time you don't have to know everything ever, even when you are a parent. You will figure out some things for yourself along the way but there is no hurry. You don't have to be the all-knowning all seeing supreme supreme authority in your childs life you can say "I don't know". Teach them to be a good person that's enough. You'll be ok and so will they.

  • underaglassmoon

    I completely feel you. If you chose a religion I will ask you to ask yourself this one question. Almost all christian religions are anti-gay. I have come to terms with myself and accept them now. At first I could not. I was already drinking and smoking within in year of leaving the JW's and leaving my parents while in my teens. But still I would try to stay away from "gays" saying to myself it was a sin. Right around 20 years of age I ran into a JW kid I grew up with. I maybe a few months earlier found out that he too left in his teens after coming out to his dad. He was kicked out of the house. When I saw him, all I could think about was how like me he has no family. It was at that moment that I no longer saw gay as gay. Unless they really flaming, that still gives me the creeps, but that's my right to have that opinion. Any how, latter when I wondered if I wanted to have kids, would I raise them in any religions. I thought, I don't want them to hate anyone because they are told God hates what that person is labeled as.

    A far as if there is a God. At first I made it my goal to prove to myself there is not. I currently do not believe there is, but I came to terms with the believe brings people comfort so I do not want to take that away from them. So I don't get all preachy about trying to prove his none=existence to people. Plus I found a joy in doing good things with out the reward of a afterlife or what have you. I know I'm a good person. I feel confident If I saw you trying to jump start your car, I would stop and give you an hand. That just how I came to terms with it all. If you want to know how I disproved God to me. read the next line.. if not stop here! . I don't want to take that belief if it brings you comfort.

    Is there a GOD?

    Because JW's have to prove everything by using the bible when this question was poised to me it completely made sense.

    Prove the existence of GOD . . . without using an assumption.

    Who created the stars? Who created the animals? Well someone created them! That's an assumption. I don't know and you don't know. Most scientist agree they have ton's of evidence to explain how these things came to be. But still that is not 100% agreed a pond by all scientist. So in the end the great questions we pose to prove the higher power are all assumption based. Except for how Jessica Simpson has a career, some higher power must be at work to keep her in the media. Best of luck in your decision.

    under a glass moon ~

  • looseend

    welcome to the board

    I can understand the confusion, after all the "truth" was forced on us. When i left it took a little while then soon i was able to think a little clearer. My suggestion is read and ask yourself whether or not you truly believe in god. If you think of something you are doubting, study about it. Avoid religious books for a while unless you are using them to compare. I had an e piphany one day not long after reading Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Cosmos Explained. After that i just kept reading.

    Another great book is The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins... i suggest that too


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Being a child is fun, and being a child means you don't know everything - religions are often an attempt at knowing everything (actually a purposely maintained delusion of 'knowing everything')

    It's refreshing not to know stuff - it's adventurous - Christ said that to enter heaven you need to become like a child, not like a grownup

    You can be basic without turning a child into a jw

  • PrimateDave

    So many new posters! Welcome all!

    I was raised in "the truth". One thing that constantly gets drilled in is the idea that YOU have to have a PURPOSE in life. Well, why? Who says? The Watchtower Society? They hijack an old pre-Christian belief about Universal Sovereignty to get you to do whatever they want you to do, which is of course the busy work of distributing books and magazines. To get anyone to do such a disagreeable task as going house-to-house, they have to fit it into some grand scheme based on their interpretation of the Bible and constantly drill it into your head three or more days a week.

    So, even though you may leave "the truth", you may still think you need to have something to do to give purpose to your life. Know what? Your purpose is just being here. Be in the moment. Be as a question. You can't change the past. You have no way of knowing what the future might bring. This moment. It's for you. Why settle for "answers" when the questions are so much more intriguing? To admit that one doesn't know is to welcome life joyfully. Let go of the fear and find peace.


  • ddman

    Thank you for your thoughts. It's just nice to hear that I'm not the only one.

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    I can say now that I do not have all the answers. I do, though, still believe in God and Jesus. Looking at the life and works of Jesus, he is the epitome of love and kindness. He did good works for all, regardless of their station in life. I wish to imitate his caring concern for others. As far as doctrinal stuff-when is the resurrection, who will or will not come back, who is the FDS, I admit that I don't know anymore.

    As far as your child, reading straight from the Bible a few verses may be enough. Like other posters said, you don't have to know everything.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Welcome to the board,

    Sounds like you have some time to figure things out for yourself if you daughter is only three. Be careful, though. I so much wanted to know all the answers to the big questions of life when my first child was born that I studied with the Witnesses.

    Thirty years later, two of my children are Witnesses and I am not. That religion can really mess up families as you are probably aware from your parent's reaction to you leaving. Just take some time and do a lot of reading from different sources. The basics will do for your child for quite a while.

    Honestly, we all have to admit that there are some questions we just don't have the answers for. Stick with the obvious such as the golden rule and the teachings about love being the law's fullfillment. Most children can easily understand the golden rule. Never be afraid to say I don't know. A child respects a parent who admits they have limitations and are still learning too.

    Good luck to you.

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