Where do I go from here?

by ddman 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • theinfamousone

    you know, i may not have a child, and i may not know much about raising children, but i think the best bet here would be to be completely honest with your child... i mean at first it can be as simple as saying "daddy/mommy isn't sure"... sure you may not be the omniscient parent you are now, but in the end, i think that is far less damaging than telling the child that well, for example catholicism is the right religion" and findingout that you're wrong... if i had had more honesty about this sort of thing when i was a kid i would have realized that spirituality is a very personal thing, and maybe i would not have ended up in the god hating, confused and scared boat i am in now... and above all, this will encourage your beautioful child to think for himself... maybe not at three years old, but as he matures he will appreciate the fact that answers are not always so easy and he will look for them himself...but thats just my piece i guess...

    honesty works

    the infamous one

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