Disciplining babies?
by bernadette 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I have a hard time disciplining my own children. I use time outs, corner etc....
They have their whole lives to sit still and keep quiet. Not that I raise running screaming bratty children. I get many compliments on my view of raising children. Example: Child acting up in a restaurant? Take him or her into the bathroom, tell them to get all their ticks and naughtiness out in here and not out there. My daughter laughs as I throw the fit with her.....lol
I remember one JW sister in the bathroom beating her little girl(same age as my daughter). I was rocking my son in the bathroom at the time. Since he was sleeping, I quietly put him down, and interrupted the abuse. As I grabbed her hand, I told her "If I ever catch you beating your child for not sitting still, I will beat you myself, on the stage, in front of everyone." To this day when she sees me in a store she runs away quickly.
If I catch anyone harming a child, I don't turn the other way or hope that someone does something. I walk right up to the parents and let them have it.
I've had 4 babies and I agree with the rest who say there is never a reason or a good reason to smack or slap a baby. It's child abuse, plain and simple.
does anyone remember a post from a long time ago about someone tapping a pregnant womans stomach with a pen cos the baby was moving about during the meeting?
i've tried searching but search sux.
nelly! You've reminded me of two JW women who used to slap their tummies if their babes didn't sit still. I remember the mother of one of these women despairing at her daughters stupidity!
Crumpet - You may admire me for my forthright manner, but I am hoping that this information actually went into my relatives heads. There is very little time that I actually spend with JW relatives nowadays. My own relatives still do not shun me and to be honest, I intend to make sure that they don't simply by not cooperating. (I love to be bad!) However, a few of them have small children so I know they need protecting!
Gill you said
'All a child craves is its parents attention. Praise only and you soon get a well behaved child'
Children thrive on attention.
Nelly/Lady Lee
one parent flicks the ears of her 3 and 5 yr olds
Take him or her into the bathroom, tell them to get all their ticks and naughtiness out in here and not out there
that's a good suggestion.
i grew up wondering if the modest clothing was to cover your body or for covering the evidence of wooden spoons hairbrushes.
having my fingers squeezed and crushed together and watching the little half moons from fingernails fading from my skin was a fascinating distraction from them godawful meetings
the gloating smug expressions as you were marched or dragged out the back for a thorough dosing of discipline, trying to hit the right pitch of crying and tears to signal repentance without setting off another barrage of abuse for making too much or not enough noise and another for not recovering composure fast enough.
watching my friends dad get off the stage during his talks and go slap them where they sat to gazes and smiles of admiration and occassional clap from the cong for him, for setting such a fine example on how to bring up your kids, enough to remind any slacking parent with a fidgety kid to drag em out the back.
dontcha just miss the lurvvvvvvvvvvvv
I understand what your are saying nelly, in my old cong there was a brother who had two 'unruly' children, but perfectly normal in my opinion, whenever they 'misbehaved' he would smack then round the head in front of everyone, or take them outside for a good hiding. People used to find it funny, but it was just really sad. He even used to stop his group and go and smack them then continue with the group. What a great example for an elder to set.
Nelly, What a nightmare your childhood must have been. Hugs to you and I'm glad u got out
Today parents are replaying the same nightmare over and over again. Congregations look on and give moral support to the abusive parents and yet JW's are ordinary people like us - its the situation they're in that creates the problems.
I've sat here wondering about the couple I want to help. I have to remind myself that its their choice to live that way.
All we can do is promote awareness whenever the opportunity comes up