Here we go again . . . The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

by cruzanheart 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Jehovah dosen`t send Jehovah`s Witness`s,to countrys that put thier lives in danger anymore..???..When did Jehovah ever send a JW anywhere?..WBT$ sends JW`s on a fools erand and they die..The WBT$ has killed more JW`s than any other organization on earth...OUTLAW

  • frankiespeakin

    Thank the gods for the internet!

    I'm so glad when a prominent member of the bethel family makes statements such as this one and gets a wide circulation, pretty soon the R&F should get immune to them and take them with a grain of salt. I'm sure that many are already not taking these seriouly, causing many to reflect on how the gb always wants them to put thier life on hold in anticipation for a end of the world that never happens.

    I really think more and more jws put very little faith in these often heard warnings, but know better than to speak up and suffer the consequences, so they simply give it lip service while planning thier life(getting married,buying houses and new cars etc..) as if the end is never comming.

  • Cindi_67

    Do you think you can send some of us the email or try to add the attachment here?

  • ButtLight
    Many of us have already said this: why are so many of us inactive ones TOTALLY ignored - through CO visits, through tract campaigns intended to reactivate such ones in service, through WT articles on loving elders who WILL HELP the lost sheep.............?

    Because we already know the "truth" and rejected it, so were doomed. No need for sheperding calls if the preaching work is done!

  • Bryan

    Nina, this does make a lot of sense! Just last August, a new Asteroid was discovered. It is now viewable with the naked eye! Most likely, Jesus and his armies are coming here BEHIND the asteroid for maximum surprise! Do not be surprised if in a week, or so, 6 million JWs across the world are discovered in their beds sporting a faint color of purple. They will have left all their earthly possesions to the Watchtower. The week after this event, the GB will be making a big deposit, while blaming the rank and file for moving ahead of Jehovah.

    Where the hell is my aluminum foil hat?!


  • Seeker4

    Seems James Rayford has really made an ass of himself with this one. That's What happens when these brothers start winging it! If Bethel has told them once they've been told 1000 times - stick to the outline!


  • Crumpet
    AFFAIRS? Does that mean I have to give up my lovers?

    No it just means get them in order - prioritise which one you are going to get fruity with next and be aware that you may not get through them all before the big T or the big A.

  • garybuss

    You quoted: "the Faithful and Discreet Slave has decided that they have FULFILLED the scripture at Matthew 24:14!"That begs the question . . . When was the scripture fulfilled? What date? 1957? 2000? When?

  • ButtLight

    Was that talk given at just that one assembly? Or all of them? Or was it just this one dude who decided to add his own two cents into the talk?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    He's not the only nutjob saying this sort of crap. This audio was posted by drewsagan and it has been added to video. A nice comparison with Sunutko's 75 comment is made.


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