Here we go again . . . The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

by cruzanheart 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Warlock

    This is just so sad to listen to.


  • Honesty
    There are only 3 countries that do not have Witnesses living in the vicinity (North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan). These 3 countries "bears community responsibility" for their inhabitants. These 3 countries have been preached to and currently have literature, though no witnesses live there (because Jehovah will no longer send us to places where our lives would be in danger).

    There are plenty of Christians living and sharing Jesus to others in those countries.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot that JW's don't share Jesus wiith others because Hypocrites never lead others to Jesus.

    They lead them to an organization.

  • Mary
    that the Faithful and Discreet Slave has decided that they have FULFILLED the scripture at Matthew 24:14!

    If that's the case, then why are the Dubs still preaching door to door? If it's been "fulfilled' then there should be no more need for preaching right?

  • codeblue

    Nina...thanks for the warning...

    I am already shunned by one JW son almost 3 months ago. IF he calls or writes me now, I will assume he is truly afraid I will be destroyed soon....


  • JeffT

    I remember this stuff being said in the run up to 1975, the message had been preached everywhere so the only prophecy unfulfilled was "peace and security." Around 1977 or so there was a thing on the CA about the preaching would continue right up until the end, so don't be slacking off just because the prophecy has been fulfilled. As usual they are experts in covering all bases.

  • hambeak

    From the sound of it it sounds like the movie Poltergeist where the preacher says God is in his holy temple LOL Just another bunch of crap as usual

  • free2beme

    You know, I asked about this thought a few months ago, when my mother said this was spoken at assemblies and people here said they went to the assemblies and it was not said. Now I don't know what to believe.

  • Abandoned

    What a completely hateful and disgusting god. I'm glad I'm not worthy of him or his hypocritcal people...

  • Virgochik

    I listened to the recording...and I found Rayford's voice absolutely hypnotic and creepy! He didn't sound like a sincere Christian minister to me, just a sinister cult preacher.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yawn. Whatever.

    Theworldisendingverylittletimeleft ... yada yada yada.

    See 1874/1914/1925/1975.

    I hate sequels.

    I'm at a point where if The End really did come -- fine, great, bring it on.

    I'm not afraid. If it happens, it happens. Otherwise, I'm going to live my spare little life.

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