Circuit Overseer Complains Of Recieving HATE MAIL!

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends


    I think that's a great idea, too!!! Maybe the next time your mom has a chance to talk to him, she could press for more details. I wonder if the person(s) came right out and said, "I Hate You" or if they just gave a lot of reasons as to why they didn't like him?


  • metaspy

    I have written a letter to the CO and told him how I believed he mishandled the situation I had brought to him. (which he all he said was - the elders must have done what they did for a reason) I suppose that could have been considered 'hate mail'. I never got in trouble, but I think my app to Bethel was denied because of that letter. the problem with the elders never did get fixed... oh well

  • defective light
    defective light

    Hate Mail = An envelope with no check in it !

  • rowan

    The "hate mail" I was planning to send to the elders that df'd me and refused to reinstate me twice ( a DO had to intervene so I could be reinstated, I played my part for family's sake) was a postcard picture of me and my husband, in front of our gorgeus new house, with a huge "thank you" note on the back.

  • minimus

    Maybe the CO's just an oversensitive little man. The fact that it bothered him enough to tell my mom is something beyond me. Why tell that to a mere publisher??

  • rowan

    is the "hate mail" he is getting from an anonymus (or however you write that) person? if so, may be he thinks he's getting it from somebody close to her and is fishing for clues.who knows from this people. they live in a small world.

  • minimus

    I doubt he was fishing for info from her. I just think Witnesses are fed up with everything including the CO! GOOD!!!! Let them realize how much they suck.

  • Jim_TX

    Okay... my take on this.

    First... the acronym 'CO' - I assume refers to 'Circuit Overseer' - and not Congregation overseer.

    Now. How the heck does someone send 'mail' to a CO - who travels about all the time? Do they publish their address? (When I was a JW - I was not aware of this, if they did.) Of course... when I was a JW, they always travelled and lived in a small mobile home that got pulled behind their Olds 98 sedans, and parked in the KH parking lots during their visits.

    I think he was just trying to garner a bit of 'sympathy' from one of the lowly ones.

    Or start another 'JW urban legend'. (CO gets hate mail. Film at eleven.)


    Jim TX

  • Seeker4

    I think WillyLoman got it right - people used to wait til the CO came to dump all the problems on him that the local elders were screwing up on - at least in their opinion.

    Then, when the CO failed to do what they wanted, they'd let him have it. It was the dysfunctional results of a high control group that raised people's expectations beyond what anyone could actually achieve.


  • minimus

    Jim, you make an excellent point. Who in the Hall has the CO's mailing address? In our area, the CO lives right next door to the Assembly Hall so everyone knows where he lives. But I do think he was trying to garner support and sympathy.

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