What TS said.
Believer, Agnostic or Atheist?
by lfcviking 75 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a happy atheist :)
I fired that Jehovah thingy.
LOL! Never thought of Jehovah being a thingy, but I like it! Perhaps I need a Jehovah action figure to go with my Ted Jaracz one.
None of the above I'm sort of a nonbelieving, gnostic pantheist.
I don't believe in anything supernatural - an atheist.
S4 -
The choices seem to be all based on concepts: either for, or against, or undecided as to for or against.
Why go there?
There is an infinite expression of life and universe too, too vast to grasp; why minimize and belittle its Source to some limited belief, concept, image or deity weaved out of broken shards and pieces of a mind too limited and small to ever really know or comprehend it all?
Better to be silently present with the richness of Reality, than absent in worshipping the minds impoverished thoughts and beliefs. IMO.
Geeist. A la Farkel's definition.
new boy
Of course there is a God! Just not a hateful anrgy jealious one.
No need to through the baby out with bath water.
Even Einstein knew there was one. Just to much order out there
P.S-------------We are all part God.
I don't know in the sense of really "knowing" (knowledge, wisdom, data, conviction) what is factual or not about the divine or inspired portion of the Bible (or any other so-called Holy writing) and therefore, I'm AGNOSTIC.
If I were intellectually honest I'd be an atheist.
I believe that some sort of power, not necessarily God as many like to believe caused all to exist. Whoever or whatever this God is or was ,no longer cares what happens to us. We make our own way, whatever life throws at us...I believe a god-like spirit exists in all of us, so we make decisions that are either good or bad, we decide what kind of person we want to be...So I guess I do have a belief in God.(or creator of some sort). he just is indifferent to us. At least he is not the quick to anger, petty God that is pictured in the Bible..
I know there is intelligence in the universe or infinite universes, but to call such intelligence "God" or a creator with a personal intelligence I have no beleif structure. It could be a committee of beings for all I know from another dimension, most likely what ever it is, it can not be discribed accurately in term used in this dimension. For it would be like a 3 dimensional being trying to discribe to a 2 dimensional being what the third dimension is like, or a 6 dimensional being trying to discribe what the other dimensions are like to us that only know 3 (or 4 if you want to count time as a dimension).
I beleive there is so much more than what our minds can see and feel being that we only see a very small portion of the light spectum as visible, and even if we were able to see the entire light spectrum in much more detail than we see now it,, it would still be only be a mind interpetation and not as it really is for all color is just a product of the mind and does not really exist outside of our minds. The same is true with sound waves, they are just vibrations, they do not sound like our mind interpets them to sound. So many things we take for granted to be the way our senses interpet them to be, are in reality just the way our mind interpets them, and our sensing of them have developed, or evovled according to our size, and enviroment according to thier usefulness for our survival as a species. All are a product of the collective conditioning of our species, thru billions of years of evolution, and not the concrete reality we percieve as outside us in the world.
And so it is with the God concepts though out the ages, they are all a product more or less of our conditioning based on the size scale in which we live. Therefore I am inclind to discount the God concept in all its various forms in favor of the unknown or unknowable from the human conceptual point of view, not assigning any dogmatic purpose or concept to an imagined being which may be called God.
So while I may use the term God from time to time, it is just a word with a rather ambiguos meaning meaning to me.