Atheist and positive humanist.
Believer, Agnostic or Atheist?
by lfcviking 75 Replies latest jw friends
I assume this is a straw-poll so I won't post my reasons.
God-Believing, Christ-Respecting Agnostic...but I could be wrong.
Another atheist-agnostic-believer here.
(Strictly those three words are not mutually exclusive; there's a nice little spot where their semantic fields overlap)
None of the above
I'm a sort of Christian Pantheist at heart. I do think that Christianity was placed here by a higher intelligence to shift human history in the
right direction.
If this is a 'poll', put me down as a believer.
Little Drummer Boy
Atheist - as in the actual definition of the word, not what most people think it means. A - theist as oppossed to theist. In other words, opposite of theist. I don't have a belief in a specific god, therefore I am an atheist by definition. That does not mean I don't believe that a god can exist.
Madame Quixote
I'm an unequivocal atheist. There's nothing more rational, sensible or logical.
I grew up around the religion and was never baptized(got out before taking "the dip" with all the other dips) lol...........I consider myself agnostic(a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.