I had left the borg long before I saw H2O but hadn't done any research on the TRUTH. After a while on H2O I read CofC and that freed me of the ties I had in my mind with the JW faith.
Ken P.
by Jourles 14 Replies latest jw friends
I had left the borg long before I saw H2O but hadn't done any research on the TRUTH. After a while on H2O I read CofC and that freed me of the ties I had in my mind with the JW faith.
Ken P.
were you intentionally searching for an explanation over something you knew to be wrong in the organization?
I was deliberately searching for information and confirmation of my doubts.
innocently ....after being online for about 7 years as a JW....looking for a new jw site to meet people and ........I found this place!!!!!
I had no idea it was "apostate" I read comments and thought......wow these witnesses feel the same way about things that I do.
well, we may not think exactly the same way, as different family situations take people in different directions, but the end result is the same. dubs are misguided at best. and to those that subscribe to their way of thinking, good luck. Me, dirt digger. Though it's not difficult to dig for dirt when you have a mound of loosely laid loom the size of Olympus Mons.
I was completely in...................I had just learned how to use a computer and innocently typed in Jehovahs witness.
I went on Freeminds, then here and I was hooked. I started my fade a couple of weeks after