1906 Training for Colporteurs - a real eye-opener

by Lady Lee 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I was first learning about the WTS - the real truth behind the truth I was stunned. But I simply could not imagine it was about the money. I really believed that it was just some wrong beliefs.

    Boy have my eyes been opened in the last 12 years.

    I also always thought it was Rutherford who decided this would become the world's largest publishing companies.

    Well this report for me says far more about Russell than I could have imagined. Rutherford just took Russell's model and expanded what was already there.


    You asked earlier who published this. I may have misunderstood your question. While Russell and another (I forgot his name) gave the lectures the whole document is not technically a WT document. The following is the opening




    ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: AUG. 13-20, 1906



    It seems to be the Lord’s will that a combined report of these Conventions should be prepared, therefore in conjunction with our dear Brother Geo. M. Huntsinger, this report has been prepared.

    While this is not an official report of the Conventions of 1906, held under the auspices of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, at Asbury Park, N. J., and St. Paul, Minn., but merely notes on the sermons and incidents connected therewith, we trust, however, that it may be a fitting memento of the "best conventions" ever held.

    The two Conventions covered a period of over two weeks, and there being usually two discourses each day, it is found impossible to put each discourse in the report verbatim, because of lack of space, time, cost to print, etc. It is therefore necessary to give only a synopsis of part of the discourses. We regret we cannot print them all in full. They were all good, and each one, no doubt, specially appealed to certain ones present; but it is our endeavor to select those subjects that would possibly be most interesting to the greatest number of the friends—in our judgment.

    There are also may features of Conventions of this magnitude that it is impossible to reproduce in any report; they cannot be described, but only appreciated by those present.

    We trust that those who were privileged to attend the Conventions will, in the possession of this report, have a tangible reminder of the precious seasons of fellowship there enjoyed, and of the many helpful suggestions and special assistances which were there presented, which otherwise might possibly have been lost in the abundance of blessings provided in that "feast of fat things," but which will thus be permanently preserved.

    We also trust that those who were not privileged to personally attend the conventions may, by means of this report, receive a large share of the blessings which were the portion of those who more fortunately were able to be in attendance, and that the report may cause such to feel that they had a personal part in the Conventions, which they could not have had in any other way.

    Special credit is due a number of the friends whose assistance has helped to make this "souvenir" what it is. They consider their service as a service of love unto the Lord, —He knows who they are.

    We pray the Lord’s richest blessing upon the report as it goes on its mission to His household, giving out His truth, which is "meat in due season to the household of faith," and that His spirit and His strength may refresh one and all, and be especially manifest in the trials necessary in endeavoring to "press down upon the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

    May grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Yours in the fellowship and the royal service of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Dr. L. W. Jones,

    2024 Washington Boulevard, Chicago.


  • Borgia

    I have recently finished reading through "Merchants of deceptions". (it is a life story about AMWAY) I was stunned at the mixture of commerce and religion.

    Reading the above portions provided by lady lee shows how religions is mixed with commerce.

    The elements or igredients are all the same in both cases. Only the emphasis is on different topics. Wow, really, it has been a cult fromnits inception!



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Wow, really, it has been a cult fromnits inception!

    so much for it starting out well

    I know of a few JWs who left and joined up with AMWAY. They felt totally at home there = no surprise since their methods are the same

  • Borgia

    The things you just provided have a huge bearing on the things written in the proclaimers book. I would especially like to know what bearing this has on the refusal of certain elders not to partake in the sale scheme of books and then finding themselves removed by good ole Booze !



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Despite the fact that I have been collecting this stuff for a while now this was the first time I had ever read it.

    As a JW I sometimes wondered about what happened to the "few" people who refused to follow Rutherford. The consensus was that 1) there was only a few people and 2) that they had it wrong and those who followed Rutherford was right so there was no reason to even check

    Well collecting this info I see that a lot of the Russell's followers provide this information free both on the internet and if you ask they will mail a hard copy to you.

    There are some who sell it but they seem to be the minority.

    They also seem to be rather low key, flying under the radar. Rutherord on the other hand was the guy that got in everyone's face, winding up in jail, in the law courts, and in the media

  • juni

    Thank you LadyLee.

    Their methodology is the same today as then. Interesting history to be considered by those who question the Society as being a publishing company. From infancy that was their objective.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I read 30 Years a Watch Tower Slave by Schnell I really thought that Rutherford took a legimate new religious belief (even if it was an odd one) and perverted it into a publishing company.

    Schnell had it wrong wrong wrong. Perhaps when he started in Germany it was more about really spreading the Word of God. But in the north America the seeds of a publishing company were already there

    No wonder the WTS doesn't want people digging up the past

  • startingover

    Just a bookmark for me

  • moshe

    Thanks L-L for this information

  • Leolaia

    Do you have a scan of this? I'd really love to see one.

    (See my post in the other thread on why I suspect Russell was not being up-front about Studies in the Scriptures as an updated edition of the original Millennial Dawn books, and he was trying to get old customers to buy the new one, like Windows trying to get people to switch to Vista ;)).

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