Vaguely remember G Young , I had been out a couple of years by then but the wife spoke about him, seems he wasn't a bad guy
CO/DO's in the UK?
by pobthespazz 202 Replies latest jw experiences
Mike Hodgson - early 1980s ?
yes new him personally grilled me a couple of times but he weren't bad really, M Purbrick is another story.
liz and les perkins ??
OMG, how did I forget Lez Perkins? Maybe it's because he was on Temporary so long, Pioneering in Greenock, that he kinda assumed the full role without anyone really noticing.
He had a good sense of humour. He had to, as he got assigned to us often enough - LOL.
It was Lez Perkins that visited me when I resigned as an elder and quit meetings. He took it really well that i'd been faking faith my entire life, the fact that he believed me was good because so many others wouldn't. Having said that, it must have been him that encouraged the elders to pursue me 2 years later when they found out I was banging my man. They were just jealous.
Anyone know what Ian Shanks is up to these days? Gather he's off the circuit.
Jealousy is a distinct possibility. Who knows what course peoples' lives might have taken had they not been confined by the strictures of the WTS (or any extreme religion / philosophy, for that matter).
fleaman uk
He took it really well that i'd been faking faith my entire life, the fact that he believed me was good because so many others wouldn't. Having said that, it must have been him that encouraged the elders to pursue me 2 years later when they found out I was banging my man.
Ive found some of the experiences and reminiscing quite fluffy and interesting,but this comment brings me back to reality!Im debating whether to find this comment amusing or downright sad..where do these bastards get off in pursuing someone who just wants to leave the stoopid religion and be happy?
Regards to you scotsman.
And look Lt..ive found the quote button!
Find it amusing Fleaman. Although it is sad for them as they're trapped and many of them must be frustrated.
i believe ian shanks is in riddrie now..looking after his mother who is unwell
Maybe it's because he was on Temporary so long, Pioneering in Greenock, that he kinda assumed the full role without anyone really noticing.
yes les pal was john black who came on ayrshire circuit and continued to use les as temp c.o with the intention of recommending him for fulltime..but them told him he wasnt going to on account of liz not having good enough health....dont think les and john spoke much after that