So, who REALLY were/are the "Nephilim"?

by AGuest 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Once again, I have received a 'writing' on my heart, which I am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.

    For many years, the WTBTS and others have taught the "Nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of Noah, just prior to the flood. That, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.

    By the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, that is in me by means of Christ, I say to you that the "Nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of Noah.

    These being are those that I saw standing to the LEFT of my Father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which I related to you previously on H20. They are the one who also engaged in that battle against the angels of Michael, the 'foremost' prince... and the one who 'stood fast' with my Lord.

    Like their 'leader', Satan, who did NOT 'stand fast in the truth', these are the ones whose very vocation is to 'fell' earthling man... to knock us from our steadfast 'stand'... in the truth... our 'union' or 'unity' WITH the Truth, my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    Thus, the TRUE understanding of Genesis 6:4, is:

    "The Nephilim... who were the mighty ones
    of old, the men of fame
    (having names for
    themselves in the SPIRIT realm) proved to be
    in the EARTH
    (as opposed to their 'proper
    dwelling place', the spirit realm) in those
    days, and after they began to have relations
    with the daughters of men, they
    (the daughters
    of men) bore sons to them (to the Nephilim)."

    You see, dear ones, just as there are governments and rulerships and kingdoms and principalities and territories in this PHYSICAL realm, all things that are HERE have come out of that which is THERE... and so, such exists there, too: rulerships and governments and principalities. Thus, my Lord is the Prince... of princes.

    Daniel 10:13, 21
    Ephesians 6:12
    Revelation 12:7-9

    And there was no violence in the earth at that time, dear ones, for violence would have at least put the people on notice, as it does during our day. Rather, the people 'took NO note'. No, there weren't beings going around killing people and harming them; there were SPIRITS going around... spreading their 'seed'... multiplying it in the earth. And because the spirit is obscured by the flesh, hidden in 'earthen vessels'... there was no way of KNOWING who possessed such 'bad' spirit.

    A 'good' spirit has to be MANIFESTED... and Noah... was the only man who manifested such spirit. And by means of HIS good spirit, he... and his ENTIRE household... were saved.

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the TRUE God, JAH OF ARMIES, by means of His spirit, holy spirit, and the Spirit that speaks to me.

    May the undeserved kindess and mercy of my God and Father, and the peace of His Christ, be upon you, to open your ears that you may hear, and your eyes that you may see... if indeed, you so 'wish' it.

    A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that go with, and a slave of Christ,


  • radar

    SJ my dear one.

    What a wonderfull revelation!. This will have enormous impact on mankind and planet Earth. Of all the things that JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH could help mankind with, he chose to reveal this piece of garbage with you.

    Maybe you should stay off those magic mushrooms(FLY AGARIC)


  • ISP

    Nephilim.......they were a cool basketball team of yesteryear. They won the world championship 5 times running. It got God annoyed so he wiped them out. Don't you hate bad losers!?


  • AGuest

    Dearest Radar, may you have peace!

    "Wonderful"? Well, I don't know if "wonderful" is the word I would use regarding this "revelation". I think "truthful" is a better word. And for those who are concerned with truth... versus the lies they've been told... perhaps it bears some import. Perhaps not. I guess all I can say is "let the reader use discernment".


    A slave of Christ,

    SJ (who, BTW, LOVES 'shrooms sauted in garlic and butter and white wine, but really don't think they have any 'magic in 'em...)

  • sawthelight

    they are non adamite for sure. either demons or thier offspring.

  • ashitaka

    ne phlem? good, at least you're not congested as well as sick in the head.

    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • sawthelight

    come on aggie give us a pic

  • teejay

    Yo, Shelby!

    May you have peace... yadda yadda... Not only that, I hope you're having a lovely Sunday.

    You know, I have toyed with the idea that the nephilim were aliens. You know, intelligent children of god, only from a different neighborhood... sorta.

    Whadda ya think of that? I know the bible doesn't say, but do you think an advanced culture, other than spirits like god, of course, exists elsewhere, and if so, have they paid a visit to our little heavenly sphere? might that explain the nephilim, the pyramids and a host of other mysteries?

    Peace, young lady,

  • sawthelight

    come on shelby how about a pic

  • AGuest

    Yo, Teej! Back at 'cha (you know, the 'may you have peace' thing)...

    "Do you think an advanced culture..."

    Yes, absolutely.

    "...other than spirits like god..."

    No, like God. Remember, 'let US make man in OUR image'?

    "... exists elsewhere..."

    Yep, the spirit realm, which is a different type of realm and a different... ummmmm, 'dimension' that this...

    "... and if so, have they paid a visit to our little heavenly sphere?

    Yes and no. They came and continue to come FROM the 'heavenly' or spiritual realm... to the 'earthly' or physical realm. They have been 'visiting' from times before man was even created.

    Genesis 28:12
    Genesis 6:4
    Job 1:6, 7; 2:1, 2
    John 18:36
    (please pay close attention to the last part of this verse, thank you)

    "... might that explain the nephilim, the pyramids and a host of other mysteries?

    I do not know. I have not asked, and I have not 'heard'. If I do, you can be sure I will share it. But as of this point, I have found NOTHING to be a 'mystery', really. Whether the explanation is spiritual or physical... there IS an explanation. For everything.

    And my Sunday is 'going' QUITE well, dear one, thanks for wishing it so.

    Peace to you, T-Bone!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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