Please don't ban them. TAX THEM! That's their weak spot! metatron
And if any doubt Metatron look what happened in France - tax them is the way to go
by purplesofa 22 Replies latest jw friends
Please don't ban them. TAX THEM! That's their weak spot! metatron
And if any doubt Metatron look what happened in France - tax them is the way to go
This is what they mean to say, and when people get pissed they cry foul. Jackasses. If they would just write it like this at least people would be forewarned of their fanatical views.
is it still a fullfillment of bible prophecy if you actually CAUSE it to be fullfilled ?
No its not bible prophecy, just common sense that any organization that causes as much trauma to peoples lives as the WT Society, they should expect some adversaries. Here's an idea for Russia, why not instead of banning the JW's, allow money to be funded to XJW organizations so they can blitz the media over there. I think the newspapers in other countries tell it like it is with JW's and dont try to sugar coat it, the American press tippy toes around JW's while trying to be politically correct.
I need to come up with better subject lines I guess.
posted 7-7-07
To wasanelderonce: I liked the picture of the tract. It would be nice if the WT would just speak its mind. I think the prophets in the OT were more blunt with the wicked kings and the people when they weren't pleasing to God. Why does the WT talk nice to the world one minute, then threatens them with death, then breaks up families, lies, slanders, and cheats people?
As far as its right to interpret its holy book as it sees fit, it's odd that they claim to be the only one doing so correctly. This is pretty funny coming from a religion that has changed its beliefs more than all other religions put together.
Taxing works for me. I won't live long enough but I wish I could be around in 50 years or so when the WTS finally implodes or is driven off the earth.
Please don't ban them.
TAX THEM! That's their weak spot!
Way to go Metatron. Ban them, and they squeal persecution. Take their money, and they just squeal.
Amazing said:
"They need to instead talk to ex-JWs in Europe and America to get the inside scoop on how to expose the JWs, and then leave them be."
I agree completely. I wish more churches would understand this. Although I am not an organized religious person I would gladly team up with or help any church in exposing the JWs.
Orthodox Christianity is strong in these countries, as is the socialist view that the government is a protector ofthe family. The JWs and outsiders are viewed with caution to begin with, add to that the JWs "we are right, you are wrong" attitude, there will be trouble. For example, Bulgaria's Constiuttion reads in part :
Article 12 [Citizens' Associations]
(1) The associations of citizens shall serve to meet and safeguard their interests.
(2) Citizens' associations, including the trade unions, shall not pursue any political objectives, nor shall they engage in any political activity which is in the domain of the political parties.
Article 13 [Religion]
(1) The practicing of any religion is free.
(2) The religious institutions shall be separate from the state.
(3) Eastern Orthodox Christianity is considered the traditional religion in the Republic of Bulgaria.
(4) Religious institutions and communities and religious beliefs shall not be used to political ends.
Article 14 [Family]
The family, motherhood, and childhood shall enjoy the protection of the state and society.
Is it right to persecute in order to be persecuted? Can one strike without the expectation of being struck back? It says a lot about the honor and peace among the "unsaid denominations" who haven't gotten angry/irate over the WT's obvious bashing.