Boten Gottes is even better. German International Convention 1969 with good quality images and another atmospheric soundtrack.
+, (Manfred ?) why not post this on the 'Friends' board?
Stay alive Til seventy-Five
by + 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome +
Hi +
Ich fand die analogie der jungfrau von Lotharingen sehr einleuchtend. "Woher hast du die Idee daB Gott dich zu etwas bracht?
English: I found the analogy of the maid of lorraine (maid of orleans) quite fitting. Especially the Phrase: Where did you get the idea God would be in need of someone like you?
Hello bigmouth!
No, I am not Manfred.
I write forum on daily.
I am this one here:
JW on WW1
Please switch on your PC loudspeakers to this...
The music and the pictures speak English…
At the moment, I test whether it would to publish the films also in English be worthwhile.
I "God messengers" had adjusted to Google video yesterday and interlinked here because of this.
I can recognize by the number of retrieved films whether himself would reward for the effort.
On the following video you can listen to a kingdom melody from the Zions songbook in the background as an echo:
Wachtturm 2.1909
Seite 18
Stay alive till 75
A melody is it of Jeremiah E. Rankin „God Be With You Till We Meet Again”
Whoever still knows the old songs possibly recognizes the melody here:
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
or here:
God Be With You Till We Meet Again -
Hallo Borgia!
Danke für Deine Rückmeldung.
Kannst Du mir bitte Helfen?
Wie füge ich einen Anklickbaren Link ein?
Wie füge ich ein sofort sichtbares Bild in den Beitrag ein?
Hello Borgia!
Thank you for your Answer.
Can you please help me?
How do I insert an working link?
How do I insert an immediately visible picture? -
Clip critic from a veteran I WAS THERE Yankee stadium 1958 international as an infant and again in 1969 the stream took me back there.Looking back now it has all the look and feel of a creepy jonestown convention.
All the faithful 'nothing but joyful' older adults my grandparents parents aunts uncles most of my pioneer dad's + 40 studies coverts are all DEAD now Keep the link live and viable because i consider it to be of such high viewing value that i have it linked at my page.
Thank you and welcome!
Hello DannyHaszard my friend!
I am pleased you like it this.
The most of the pictures dates from the 1955s convention "triumphant kingdom".
Some of pictures are of the convention " eternal good one message " from Munich.
This film is part of a one-hour film of me.
Do you know Philip Glas?
This is here the music from Koyaanisqatsi.
This is an Indian word for “imbalance with nature”.
This is my quiet comment on mine convention pictures - “imbalance with nature”.
I had “the messenger of God” part 1 to take the pictures out, however, first on these from this I can be seen.
Only after that I could make the film into the net. -
AK - Jeff
When was the line that was repeated actually stated? 'Stay alive till '75'?
I know that part of the video was from '58 in New York - I also thought some of it might have been '73 in New York [I was at that one]. But clearly they were not stating that about '75 in the '58 convention - that was about '67 before they started in with that.
Hello AK - Jeff!
The film passes from five parts.
Part 1: Triumphant kingdom - Private convention pictures from 1952 to 1969 and music of Philip Glas
Triumphant kingdom
Part 2: Paranormal tape voices - convention tape voices over the thinking heart, Masturbation, the generationlie, useless school education, baptizing questions early and today and be afraid of Jehovah. One hears glass also here at Philip's end Koyaanisqatsi.
Paranormal tape voices
Do you know Laurie Anderson?
She started with the German question with a song (Example #22 of big Science) “what paranormal tape voices are".
Part 3: Stay alive Till 75 - convention photos of 1958 and one music remix from different elements among other things a kingdom melody.
Stay alive Till 75
Part 4: 1914 - parts from the lecture of Br. Knorr is "God kingdom, the end of the world is near?” of 1958 as well as one music remix among other things from Romeo and Juliet.
Part 5: This film is not ready yet.
I only did not want to stop the films without the end.
The music "Joanni" of Kathe Bush.
But at the end one sees pictures of this year's 2006 special convention in Munich, incl. background noise.
Emotion overdose of a Charismaticchurch.
Here still become pictures meeting book studies with the revelation book (re) going on from this used.
As an example chapter 35, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy:
Our church is a playing young girl.
She runs playing with her little stick through a meadow with high grass and which disaster does not notice her causes.
Thing thinks to be allowed to do things - for a good one.
But the God streaming with blood asks her:
"What do you do to me to Jann?"
"What do you do to me?"
In this dispute between God (Dustin Hoffmann) and Johanna this in reality only becomes considerably she what wanted to see her saw this.
Many signs.
But she felt same around her first in reality.
The Wachtturm society calls "follows me!"
All of you honor me this one.
Follow me!
Here I have already in detail written about 1975:
Das Märchen von 1975
Das Märchen von 1975-Teil 2
Was your contribution critically imaginary?
I then would like to answer you it with a small picture-puzzle:
What is the decisive distinguished between the comparison of the announcing ore awls of 1995 and 2006 of the countries Germany/Switzerland and the USA.
1995 Germany
2006 Germany
1995 Switzerland
2006 Switzerland
1995 USA
2006 USA -
Sehr kühl, +, danke! Ich sehe, daß du folgtest, mit, Phasenverbindungen und Fotos bekanntzugeben, auch.
Ich bin ein großer Ventilator von Laurie, den, Anderson… liebte Koyaanisqatsi, als es herauskam, und ja… Ich erinnere mich an Freunde in meiner Versammlung, die wirklich „den Aufenthalt sagt, der lebendig ist bis '75!!!“
Very cool, +, thank you! I see that you succeeded in posting live links and photos, too.
I am a great fan of Laurie Anderson... loved Koyaanisqatsi when it came out, and yes... I remember friends in my congregation actually saying "Stay alive until '75!!!"