I am lost here
Stay alive Til seventy-Five
by + 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
no problem, where would you like to go? :)
Wimmern, +, das wirklich sehr freundlich erfolgt war. Mein letzter Pfosten war, bevor ich den Bildschirm aufpaßte. Sehr interessant mit dem Philip Glasstück und eher kühlen, muß ich sagen. Sehr nett.
Wow, +, that was really very nicely done. My last post was before I watched the video. Very interesting with the Philip Glass piece, and rather chilling, I must say. Very nice.
Thank you.
Baba -
Hello BabaYaga!
Many thanks for your positive Answer.
Do you mean the BabaYaga of Pictures at an exhibition of Emerson Lake & Palmer with that?
Three days have passed after now I had mentioned the films here.
As of Saturday I use these German forum for the first time in mine.
For the summer 2007, I have an idea - Whether it would be worthwhile to do this in English is the question.
We will see.
make tomorrow -
what are you planning to translate it ? probly not worth it . not unless he says something totally out of context or current WTBTS dogma requirements.
Hi +, nice to see you here at JWD - i've read some of of your postings at Manfreds forum (i'm Martin from Infolink). If you are using MS-Internet explorer for this site you should have few problems with formatting, otherwise just use HTML code.
I am lost here
Im with you!!!
Hi +, so you have finally made it to JWD.
But your work has been here before:
Hallo Martin!
In der Zwischenzeit komme ich für’s erste zurecht.
(Ich verwende übrigens firefox).
Ich habe mich gerade mit meiner Frau unterhalten ob der Rückgang der Verkündigerzahlen in Deutschland an der deutschen Prozessiersucht in Sachen „KdöR“ lag.
Die Wachtturm-Gesellschaft tat dies definitiv gegen die Stimmung der eigenen Basis.
Oder liegt es am Internet?
Ein uraltes Chinesisches Sprichwort sagt:
Der Sieg hat viele Väter – die Niederlage nur einen…
Hello mineralogist!
I can manage it in the meantime.
Learning by doing…
(I use firefox).
I have talked with my wife whether the decrease in the number of publishers was, due to the "corporation efforts" in Germany.
The Wachtturm-company did this against it’s own base.
Or does it come from the Internet?
An ancient Chinese proverb says:
The victory has many Creator - the defeat only one Creator. -
That was well put together, a chilling watch.
I was interested to see the footage of the Africans, especially the albino brother (racking my brains trying to remember his name). They came to the London International Assembly in 69 then spent time in Scotland. Anyone know what happened to him.
Edited to add: was his name Nicholson??