To live to be 100, think about this?

by free2beme 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Last week we had a Birthday party for my friends great grandfather, he turned the big 100. He is living with his children, and has his own room and actually does pretty good for someone of 100. He can talk to you, remembers things, but he has his moments ... he is 100. We were all talking about the way the world has changed for this man, in 100 years. Think about it?

    He was born in a time, when cars were not common and only the superweathly had them.

    WW1 and WW2 had not happened yet.

    The Titanic was not built, and had not sunk.

    There were still many thousands of veterans alive from the Civil War.

    Computers started to get popular in his 70's.

    He lived through the great depression in his 30's.

    ... so many more

    So I was thinking, if you were to live to be 100, what things would you reflex on as major changes in events. I have a son who is 4, what things would he see change. So my thought here, in this post, depending on your age. What major things have you seen change or happen since your birth?

  • GoingGoingGone

    I was born before the invention of the wheel.... .... At least that's what my kids seem to think!


  • buffalosrfree

    My Great GrandMother lived to be 106 yrs old, she died in the 1960's, so when considering all the technological, Economical, Political and Religious changes she lived thru makes one wonder what the world was like then.

  • jaguarbass

    What major things have you seen change or happen since your birth?

    Microwave ovens ,cell phones, color tv, Passenger jets, passenger train used to be common, now there is just amtrack. Gas was .32cents a gallon when I started driving. No internet, no personal computers. Health insurance that paid for health care was affordable. Aids was not invented or created yet. Government was still crooked. Politicians were still scoundrells. American cars were popular and built like tanks. There were only 3 channels on tv. You listened to am radio in mono. 45s were 49cents. Many things were made in the USA.

  • Woodsman

    Disco, Hair Bands, Cocaine crazed 80s, Mt. St. Helens, Fall of U.S.S.R., Grunge, Personal computer and internet, Sunami, Katrina, Fall of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Proof of Extraterrestrials.

  • moomanchu

    I had this type of discusion with my JW brother in law. He had a JW argument that all the major changes in the world were before 1914, and nothing really major has come about since.He was talking about major things like electricity, phones,cars.

    Needless to say I wasted a lot of breath that night.

    I remember when there was no such thing as a handheld calculator.

    Space exploration.

  • free2beme

    So many things have changed since 1970's when I was born. Sonny was still with Cher back then, the world knew the name Nixon as an innocent man and there was relative peace in the middle east. Then came along Watergate, Reagan and the Microwave to change everything. Soon we did not trust politicians, while we expected them to change the world and wanted everything faster and hotter. Which gave birth to such things as cell phones, the Internet and the world of Girls gone wild. What will the next generation lead too, and will it be as notable as Pocket Pizzas, the Sushi popularity and getting a Lewinsky.

  • JWdaughter

    Cold war,Vietnam, Gulf war, Iraq war,

    scantrons, pc's,

    letters, checks, stamps, automatic deposit and withdrawl for payroll and bills, float time on checks, no grace period on checks,

    personals through newspapers and magazines, online dating,

    dating vs. 'hooking up',

    antennas and cable tv.

    records-8 track-cassette-cds, ipods.

    tight jeans and falling off your butt jeans.

    Neat pressed, dark blue fitted jeans (remember britannias?) to pre-ragged/torn/stained/frayed jeans.

    No bellybutton showing to the rare belly button being covered.

    Cute pregnancy smocks and tight half shirts showing bump proudly.

    briefs/bikinis, THONGS!

    Thongs that used to be on your feet- We now call those flip flops(see previous sentence). Christmas programs, to winter programs to every religion represented at the winter wonderland program

    Optional school prayer, no school prayer, optional flag salute to NO flag salute in school

    Teachers you hated/teachers you have babies with

    Parents first house cost 10K. My first house cost 55K, that house will sell for 350K-in the space of 15 years.

    OTOH, spent about 2K on first computer. Can now get cheap laptop with everything far superior to that first one for $600.

    Used to spend 7-10 for trash service each mo. It is over $50 now.

    Price for basic cable is the same, but no one thinks basic cable is worth anything now. So we spend much more for enhancements (of course).

    Now we have to get DSL. Not even a budget item 5 years ago!

    Phones used to be attached to a wall-if you were lucky, you could get a 'princess phone'. We didn't get one till folks had to buy their own-oH, used to have to rent the phones from ma bell. Now one must buy their own.

    We used to be attached to the world by that cord, now we have gone wireless and phones are smaller than those little packets of Kleenex tissues!

    We can get a computer that we can carry with us (6#)that do more than mainframes that took auditoriums could do 30-40 years ago.

    I am 40.5

  • bigmouth

    Several permanently manned depots on the moon for science and astronomy.

    Affordable tourist flights to the edge of 'space'.

    The safe use of hydrogen to fuel internal combustion engines.(making the use of fossil fuels seem a curiosity to my grandchildren)

    The safe delivery of nuclear waste to the sun. (Or someone elses sun! ;) )

    Miracles will be understood but no less breathtaking.

    People will write books on how to choose good beer.

  • bigmouth

    Oh, sorry, that was meant to be since I was born!

    Well, how about when sportsmen stayed loyal to a single club rather than follow the money. Think: English Premier League or Serie-A or whatever they play in America for example!)

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