The biggest technological changes in my life so far has to be computers and mobile phones.
Attitudes have also changed - no one bats an eyelid now about 'living in sin', or being heavily in debt, or men being 'house husbands'. I laugh at my granddads old cine films when, in the fifties, the men wore shirt and tie for a visit to the beach!
When I was a child it was ok for a teacher to physically punish you, and standards of behavior were extremely high in schools. Now teachers have little or no meaningful sanctions for mis-behaving children, consequently there is no respect for authority in schools now - violence, appalling behavior and lack of learning the basics is endemic in our schools.
As for the future, in the UK I expect higher taxes (disguised as 'green' measures), new stealth taxes, more crime, less justice, less privacy (everything you do will be watched), fewer freedoms ( my favourite line from Demolition Man - 'Salt is bad for you, therefore it is illegal'), illiterate and violent school-leavers, incompetence on a breath-taking scale from the government agencies etc. On the plus side traffic congestion will ease as the poor are priced off the road.
On the technological front I believe we are just entering a time of wonder - I expect in my lifetime that a cure will be found for the majority of diseases, our average life expectancy will approach 100 while the first person to reach 150 years old has probably already been born. Computers will become so sophisticated you won't be able to tell it apart from a human.
Hopefully television will be replaced, first by 3D, then something like the holo-suites on Star-Trek.
But the most keenly anticipated technological advance, from my point of view, is the invention of an android that can do my ironing!