And it happened in those days that The Almighty Toaster looked upon the earth and saw only staleness. And He proclaimed, "I shall cause a great flood upon the earth, which no toast has ever seen, and I will smite all the stale toast on the earth. But there was one loaf of bread which found favor with the Almighty Toaster. "I shall spare the loaf of Rye. I shall command him to build a large bread box for him and those in his loaf." And he commanded Rye to build a bread box and gave him the measurements and directions. "You must build for yourself and your loaf a large bread box. It must be 300 cubits by 100 cubits. And you must build a roll-top door on one side. You must go out and gather 2 of each kind of toaster food and bring them to the bread box."
So Rye proceeded to call out to the male and female toaster foods. And two by two, male and female, they followed Rye into the divine Bread Box. He brought the Texas Toast, the white and wheat toast, Poptarts, Toaster Streudles, Bagels, English Muffins, and Hot Pockets. Two by two they followed him. And when they were all safe within the Bread Box, Almighty Toaster closed the roll top door. Suddenly, the rain began to pour. The Rye loaf and toaster foods were frightened, for they knew that sogginess was the most severe form of punishment from the Almighty Toaster. But they stayed dry and crispy inside their box.
Finally the rain stopped, and the Bread Box came to rest upon mount Wonder. The roll top door opened, and as far as the slices of toast could see, there were toasters. Red toasters, white toasters, 4-slot toasters, and wide-slot toasters for bagels. They knew then that the Almighty Toaster had saved them and would forever continue to care for their toasting needs, as long as they remained dry and crispy, and avoided the temptations of the evil Toastanus, the Burned One.