This was one of those 7 (?) day ordeals. The Pasadena Rose Bowl is in a canyon and this was dead summer, temps. near 100f. Over 100,000 in attendance. The stadium has no roof overhang anywhere. It was hell. The first aid station had several two man teams with army surplus stretchers running all over the place picking up people who had passed out. I was walking through one of the tunnels when a large black woman in front of me fell like a tree right on her face, whump! There were not enough radios for the attendants to call in for a stretcher team so somebody ran for help while we tried to help the poor woman. I think she must have broken her nose, blood everywhere. I was seventeen and it really shook me up.
This was in the days of full blown cafeteria food service. They had set up an army surplus field kitchen under tents in the parking lot. The sessions lasted all day and many people would wait in line in the sun for food the entire mid-day meal break and then get turned away when the afternoon session started.
Anyone else there?