My 8 yr old daughter visits her bio-dad and step-mom every other weekend. We haven't already noticed that she tends to play both sides by not giving full or correct information to us. Anyway.. my daughter comes back on sunday night and tells me how she read a book about taking care of her body and that she needs to take a bath every night instead of every other night unless excessive activity then every night. So i inquired about the book she read and she tells me that her step-mom got her this book 'the care and keeping of you a guide for girls'. She says that they got the book for her a long time ago but recently she was told to read it. I buy the book so that I can find out what she is learning about it. It shows breasts, pubic hair, the vaginal area and how to insert tampons. I have no problem with the book and my daughter learning about this. I do however have a problem that I was not made aware that they had given her a book like this. I have sat with her almost every night going over the whole book with her and discussing it along the way. It was a great bonding experience. I messaged her bio-dad and left a message that I have no problem with the book but I do need to be made aware of big things like this. He e-mails me today and it has me quite perplexed as how to respond. I hate confrontation and just reading the message made me shake.(literally).
The following was sent by bio-dad to me---
""Regarding your message about the book, where you said that "you think you should know what book it is in case you have to answer any questions"; first off, V has had the book for more than a year and this is the second time she's going through it. Second, it's just like any other book about girl's bodies changing and what to expect, so, if as a woman, you're not able to answer her questions, I'd encourage you to get one for your house too. They're pretty much all the same. Finally, I'm within my parental rights to provide any material I see fit to aid in her personal development, and I am not obliged to check with you first, so I hope that's not what this is about. If something comes up and V has a question regarding what she should be doing at our house as opposed to your house or simply has a question on any book we provide her, then please ask her to write down the question, or email it, and we'll discuss it with her when she comes for the weekend.
Second, I understand you're reading Eragon to her? She loved that movie, and began reading the book on her own the very same day (step-son had already read it). I only mention this because she was apparently too afraid to tell you that she was already reading it, but she is continuing to do so here anyway. I figured you'd want to know that she wants and is able to read that level of book on her own. ""
--- Does he really think that I don't know that she can read on her own????? -----
""Finally, we've been taking V to get her haircut. She likes C, my brother-in-law's mom, who is an experienced hair dresser and works at a very nice salon. V has expressed that she prefers to have C cut her hair. C is great with kids, plus V does see her at family functions. Anyway, it was upsetting to find out she was taken for a hair cut even though her hair was cut during the winterbreak. I'm not sure why she didn't tell you, but I'm guessing she didn't want you to get mad or sad. The person that cut her hair did not do a very good job and messed up the look Vwas trying to achieve. I know how hard it is to find a good hair dresser and I don't mind paying for it. I do think it should be V's decision, but we did explain to her that if you are going to continue taking her to get her hair cut we would stop taking her to C. There's no point in both of us paying for a hair cut. Just let me know whether you'll be taking her from this point on. ""
--- I had only gotten a trim of the ends, how is that messing up her look>?---
--Is he blackmailing her??---
Anyway.. I am going to talk to my daughter about this and hopefully get some feedback from all of you about this before I call him up and talk to him about this.
Please help me out... I can never find the perfect words to say.