exJW Obsession and Paranoia towards the Witness Religion- Is it healthy?

by timetochange 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    If someone continually keeps sneaking up on you and kicking you in the nuts, is not liking them paranoia?

  • metaspy

    Avishai, I nearly choked on a coughdrop when I read your post, I was laughing so hard.

  • timetochange
    If someone continually keeps sneaking up on you and kicking you in the nuts, is not liking them paranoia?

    No, unless you keep standing in front of them knowing the next kick is on the way, or if you don't get the hell out of there when you can and move on with living your life!


  • avishai

    I think what people are trying to say is it does'nt end when you leave. Loss of family, continuous maligning of your name, visits from the elders etc.

    Loss of family alone is a lifelong problem, not something you can just "get over".

  • timetochange

    Loss of family alone is a lifelong problem, not something you can just "get over".

    True. But some need to think of it as a death and just as when there is a physical death in our family and after a while there is a time that comes along in which our life must be lived, so too the Watchtower's imposed death upon us must yield to life.

    Let us live and not continue allowing the Watchtower to impose upon us their declaration of death.

  • onacruse

    Hello Ed, and welcome to JWD.

    I agree with you that an obsession with or paranoia towards the WTS would be unhealthy, even in the short term: such emotions are associated with un-healing, not healing.

    However, on what basis can one (including, apparently, you) conclude that continuing interest in this subject constitutes obsessive-compulsive paranoia? Is that necessarily always the case? In the case of many here, if not most, the real purpose of posting and researching and answering questions and offering opinions and experiences is to help others who are questioning that religion, and who need such support to get out of it, or to keep from getting sucked into it. I know that that was certainly the way it worked in my case: if it hadn't been for the folks who stuck around on JWD long after they'd resolved their own conflicts, I'd probably still be spinning in the wind.


  • new boy
    new boy


    People are here for many different reasons..........Some are angry......and pissed off...and maybe they need time to process the loss of friends, wifes, fathers, mothers, husbands and children many of which they may ..............NEVER SEE AGAIN........EVER!

    Its not like they got hit by a bus..............they were riped away by a religion!

    Most of the ones, that post here, are here to HELP people who have 1.lost loved ones to this religion 2. have doubts about this religion, that they are in.............. and 3.People who know little of this religion.......but may want to join!

    Most people move on after awile.....................they will pass the batton to the next group of XJWs

    Myself..............I spent over 40 years trying to get people into the insanity of the JWs. Don't you think I should spend a little time........helping some to get out?

  • some-xjw-guy

    I was thinking of something along those lines, we might think of birth of something new as the opposite of death - so there can be a renewal and that process can be called life. If that is life going on, then the opposite of it would be to hang on in some way like either birth or death, when life involves both.

    Maybe the obvious thing that comes to mind would be hanging on to the past, but one can hang on to an ideal future, too. Actually the trick seems to be right there in the middle razor edge between the two, because there's always something coming and something going.

  • Gregor

    The nicest thing I can say about your posts on this topic is that you are an arrogant, diluded, coward who apparently had very little life investment in the JW maelstrom to begin with and now your here trying to be the sage telling everyone to move on.

  • timetochange

    Craig, New boy,

    Thanks for you perspective. I did not think of things in that way.

    Hope I didn't offend, didn't mean to.


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