From some of the word choices he makes I suspect that he never has been a JW.
That's the impression I got as well. I could be wrong of course, and he could be genuine, but on the other hand he could be just another troll.
As for how long it "should" take to move on, there isn't a time limit, it's completely up to the individual and their personal circumstances. As for myself, I had no family in the org, having come in at 21 after being contacted on the ministry, so I didn't lose anything there. I lost some I had thought to be friends, but realise that tgey were conditional friends, dependent on me continuing to think in the same way as them, so nothing lost there either. I am also fortunate in that my boyfriend is an ex jw himself who has been out a lot longer than me, so my healing has been helped by that.
Apart from a few issues, I am over the wts now, but still enjoy coming here to help others complete the journey I have successfully negotiated. There were people on thius forum in the same position as I am now when I first joined here, and who were of immense help to me then. I just want to give a bit back.