Hey cbb, I hope everything works out for you. I don't know what specific advice to give you for your situation, but here's something I posted on my blog awhile back that I FULLY BELIEVE and that I think may be of assistance to
I think everyone has heard about the importance of perseverence when confronting life's problems. If it weren't for perseverence, we wouldn't have any cities, culture, classical books and poetry, or possibly our own lives. Perseverence has been behind every problem solved from the beginning of time and yet sometimes, perseverence is just plain stubborness.
Sometimes a brick wall isn't an opportunity to persevere and conquer, sometimes it's a test of whether we're smart enough to not try and tackle a wall made of bricks.
I don't have any surefire suggestions for determining whether a brick wall is an opportunity to show perseverence or a sign to change directions, but I do have a couple observations.
First, if the wall is a test of perseverence, even during the darkest moments, a possible way of passing the wall will be visible. There will be a crack in the wall, or possibly some debris nearby that can be used for climbing over. If the best direction to go is through the wall, the way to do that will be discernible. If not, then this may be a sign to plot a new course.
Sometimes a wall will appear at a crossroads or Y in the road. The wall may only be blocking off one of the possible paths. If you've determined that a particular wall is not meant to be a test of perseverence, feel along the wall in both directions and see if there may be an end to the wall hidden in the underbrush. Maybe the wall, instead of being an obstacle, is a loving signal that one of the possible paths in front of you in is not worth the effort to maneauver it.
The bottom line is that we do well to consider the layout of our house or apartment when we encounter walls in our lives. When going from the living room to the dining room, we don't crash through the sheetrock or climb over a room divider - we look around for the door and changing rooms isn't even a challenge.
I posted this as I was dealing with problem after problem after problem with an employer I had. I'd solve one problem and a bigger one would take its place. I finally realized that I needed to get out of that unhealthy environment even thought I had no idea where to go and I was very frightened by the prospect.
I took some time to go over my options, put applications in everywhere I could, even fast food, and accepted whatever employment was offered (for me that was two minimum wage jobs.) The emotional difference was amazing. Even though I had less money, I wasn't beating my head against the wall and I was able to move ahead with my goals.
I still have a ways to go, but if you keep running into obstacles, maybe the solution isn't to push forward, but take a side path.
Good luck. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((CBB))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))