crazyblondeb......hey, she needs some encouragement

by purplesofa 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    Hi ((((((cbb))))))

    If I understood purps' allusion correctly, it sounds like good news are coming your way through this tough moment.

    Hang in there, and take care.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    dear crazy,

    i am so happy for you that you are coming to a cross roads in your journey! it's a bumby road, as i am sure you know. but you have made it this far already, so i am sure you will do well with the rest!

    look forward to seeing you back! :)


  • Warlock

    I love you!


  • JWdaughter

    Shelley, you are on everyone's favorite list for a reason. You are awesome, funny and encouraging. You share so much with us, you love us and you are a good friend to the board. Whatever struggles you are going through, you know we love and support you. If you need anything, PM me.

    Love, Shelly (the other one)

  • purplesofa

    I talked to Shelly tonight.......she said hi to everyone and thanks.........and she loves you all.


  • Virgochik

    Hey, CrazyDeb! It's Virgochik, the one who loves to aggravate ya! Sure have missed the fun, and hope the sun comes out in your life!

  • crazyblondeb


    Thanks to all for the encouragement. I really needed it. I'm at purps now. Just got off the train. And it was a long ride. I did have the priviledge of "taking care" of watchtower and awake mags at the train station in St. Louis.

    I'm feeling better. Things are going to work out. Later when I'm not so tired I'll post the latest saga of my mom. You won't believe what she's done now.

    Gill- I love the "mentally lock your mom in a closet and gag her"!!

    I LOVE ALL OF YA'LL!! or most of you.


    P.S. Whoever said they hoped I wouldn't "rob" purps, rest assured. I'm alot of things, but not that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jayhawk1

    Since when is there a train from Missouri to Afghanistan?



    Post 2935 of 2961
    since 19-Feb-05

    Emperor Class

    47 y 2 m 26 d




    Post 2353 of 2353
    since 29-Apr-05

    Emperor Class

    42 y 9 m 4 d

    United States, Missouri


  • purplesofa

    Since when is there a train from Missouri to Afghanistan?

    all tracks lead to Afghanistan..........a country where there are no witnesses.

  • jayhawk1
    all tracks lead to Afghanistan..........a country where there are no witnesses.

    By those standards, North Korea is sounding like a great place to be too.

    (crazyblondeb, I'll be thinking about you... enjoy your time with purplesofa)

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