Am I right here, or just Sarcastic...

by Tuesday 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    So my mom might be having an operation shortly, so I asked her about the blood card. I said that since I was the closest relative that would at least understand her beliefs and follow them (no other relative in the area would allow her to not take blood) I said that I understood there was a new blood card with the various incraments and particles of blood that will be allowed. She said there was and she had the card filled out, which I took a look at it and everything was checked off. She would all pretty much all the incraments of blood except for the use of straight blood.

    After looking at it I said to her "Well it doesn't look like it would matter any way because you're OK with getting a blood transfusion." She denied it, I said "Mom, our bodies are made of 90% water, and if you add water to these portions of the blood you get blood. You're basically getting all of the stuff you need from the blood without the water, which you would be getting from your IV anyway." She didn't believe me, and I told her to do the research.

    Am I right on this, or was I just being a smart ass? I'm fairly sure I'm correct on this, but I'm wondering if any other experts might have more information for me here. If I'm wrong I'll hear about it LOL.

    Thanks guys....

  • Abaddon

    You are as close to being right as makes no difference as far as I know.

    AND sarcastic at the same time, so you get bonus points!!!!

  • Warlock
    Am I right on this, or was I just being a smart ass?


    As has been brought out on this board in the past, components of blood come from.............................BLOOD. Someone else's to top it all off.

    How can someone be true to the "no blood" policy of the WTS and take those components? Only if they have not been given all the facts.

    I don't think you are being a smart ass. Not at all.


  • Emma

    This was one of the first things I began questioning; it makes no sense at all.

  • love2Bworldly

    I really don't understand their belief system at all, whoever made it up is on drugs! Blood is blood and you either accept transfusions or you don't! They may as well do away with the whole abstaining from blood issue because taking fractions is not abstaining from blood.

  • Warlock
    Blood is blood and you either accept transfusions or you don't! They may as well do away with the whole abstaining from blood issue because taking fractions is not abstaining from blood.



  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't think you're being sarcastic Tuesday, but I do think you are right.

    As other posters have said, blood fractions are still blood, and taking them means they are not abstaining from blood at all. To claim that they are is just another example of wts hypocrisy in my book.

  • moshe

    I'm on a no pizza/ pasta diet, but I have a sides of pepperoni, cheese, anchovies, green peppers, onions, and pita bread dipped in tomato sauce- be I'm following my diet - No pizza!

    If, you add water to all those blood fractions you have for all purposes reconstituted human blood. Yep, she's OK with a blood transfusion as long as you call it something else.

  • garybuss

    I heard a rumor that my Witness family just got the privilege of seeing an advance medical power of attorney enforced. My mother's brother had a heart attack and survived but while he was unconscious and on a ventilator his kidneys began to fail. Apparently he had checked "no dialysis" on the advance medical direction program. Guess what!

  • Tuesday
    If, you add water to all those blood fractions you have for all purposes reconstituted human blood

    That's basically the answer I was hoping to get, to me it seemed like all you needed to do to the "parts" of the blood accepted was add water. Like saying I don't drink Kool-Aid but I'll eat Lick-Em-Aid (even though most of us just ate the stick LOL) and drink water. Alrighty, at least I can't be disproven :)

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