Associated Jehovah's Witnesses For Reform on Blood has some very detailed, technical info on the subject, if you have not checked it out already:
Best wishes to you and your mother.
by Tuesday 13 Replies latest jw friends
Associated Jehovah's Witnesses For Reform on Blood has some very detailed, technical info on the subject, if you have not checked it out already:
Best wishes to you and your mother.
Dear Tuesday,
I am pretty sure you are right on the money! PM Little Bo Peep (my Mom) on this subject. She has done extensive research on this issue. And I am positive she explained this to me pretty much the same way a while back.
Lady Liberty
You are absolutely correct. However, be careful that you don't influence your mother to refuse these fractions. They may save her life sometime. I made the same argument with a jw relative and then they decided they would just refuse all the fractions and procedures on the document to be on the safe side with their god. I have seen others do the same because they can't process the information on the form.
Surprise! That's because it makes no sense. I actually think that it what the society would like to see happen. This way they still refuse blood, but the liability is not in the watchtower's hands. After all, they said they could have all these fractions-must be some personal conviction?
You are partially right.
Each of those fractions are from blood. However, they are not the MAIN 4: Red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma.
So if you take fractions and mix with water, you dont get blood.
Someone gave the example here of the pieces to pizza. I prefer to use a different example: Apple pie.
If we couldnt have apple pie (as found in 1 Metaspy 4:13 - "thou shalt obstain from apple pie")
You might stay away from the main ingredients - Apples, Crust
Could we have cinnamon? It is a fraction of the apple pie, not a main part
just the ramblings of Metaspy