If Only I'd Had...

by Blueblades 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    If only I'd had..., or if it wasn't for so and so, I'd be...I found myself thinking this many times since I did the fade.

    Then I realized from this forum and books that I have read, that it doesn't matter how true we believe these statements to be, we need to stop looking back, fiqure out the next step to go forward, and keep going.

    We'll never change anything that has already happened, but the future is already ours to mold.

    What do you think about this? Are you still stuck in the past? If only I'd had..., or if it wasn't for so and so, I'd be...


  • megsmomma

    I don't feel stuck in the past....I get frusterated by the results the past has brought into my "here and now". All and all I am happy with how things have turned out....but I do have times I wish I could have arrived here a bit differently.

  • Dagney

    Oh my goodness...all the time BB.

    If only I had gone to Alaska during the boom in the 70's, I'd be set for life.

    If only I had taken someone up to finance me through school to get my degree. (Oh no.......I didn't need that...GT was coming any moment in the 70's.)

    I really mourn over lost/wasted years. But I am learning to not look back, and only look ahead.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Maybe a little. I gave up my teaching ambitions to pioneer after becoming involved with the jws at 21, and fresh out of University, but I am still hoping to teach, and am applying for teaching jobs. I didn't get married as a jw, but will be doing that later this year, so I can still have the two things I most wanted as a young person, albeit 20 or so years after I hoped to .

    I wish I hadn't bothered with the jws, but I did, and I try not to dwell on that mistake, but look forward to the happier, fulfilled life ahead of me.

  • Junction-Guy

    How about "If I only had gotten online when the internet first came about"?

  • jaguarbass

    Then I realized from this forum and books that I have read, that it doesn't matter how true we believe these statements to be, we need to stop looking back, fiqure out the next step to go forward, and keep going.

    We'll never change anything that has already happened, but the future is already ours to mold.

    Sounds like your on the road to recovery. When you have one foot in yesterday and the other in tomorrow, you end up pissing all over today.

  • Junction-Guy

    both of my feet are in yesterday-LOL

  • avidbiblereader
    When you have one foot in yesterday and the other in tomorrow, you end up pissing all over today

    That is an excellent saying JB. Hindsight is always 20/20, we all have regrets in life, I wish I had spent every penny on Microsoft years ago, but you cannot change the past.

    Kind like Jesus said about the person who plows and looks back.

    I guess that is why when we drive the windshield is much larger than the rear view mirror.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We all get stuck in the past somewhat don't we - most have some regrets over past decisions or mistakes.

    I am leaving it mostly in the past now - though it would have been so much easier if I had gotten out at 28 instead of 48. Still - there are good things and that is what I try and recall.


  • Warlock
    I wish I had spent every penny on Microsoft years ago,

    If only I'd had............bought CocaCola in 1982..........kept all my old cars..............and the list could go on and on.

    It's only natural to feel this way sometimes, but we cannot wallow in the opportunites that passed us by. We cannot go back. We can only hope to find some new opportunities.


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