If Only I'd Had...

by Blueblades 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    I am really trying to move forward with my life, but I feel like I keep repeating the same mistakes. I blame my parents more than the JW religion though. It's not that I'm living in the past, but lately I'm trying to really analyze myself so that I quit making the same mistakes with my life--which involves getting into bad relationships.

    It's really a struggle to move past the depression issues etc. when you grew up with your dad constantly beating into your head that you are a piece of dirt and should have never been born etc.

  • Abandoned

    Then I realized from this forum and books that I have read, that it doesn't matter how true we believe these statements to be, we need to stop looking back, fiqure out the next step to go forward, and keep going.

    You said it buddy. Don't fret over what you can't change. If there's a lesson to learn, learn it and then move on. I've recently learned this valuable lesson myself. Here's what I just posted on my 43things.com site a couple days ago:

    I just had a recent encounter that highlighted to me how much I love to live in the past. I’m pretty sure it’s fear based, but whatever the case, living in the past only clouds the amazing prospects of the present and future.

    I’m reading Anthony Robbins book, Awaken the Giant Within, and he makes the distinction between true decisions and mere preferences. He says that what most people consider decisions are just preferences and are ineffective.

    For example, someone may say, “I want to write a book some day.” That isn’t a decision to become an author, that’s a preference towards writing. The person isn’t even one step closer to their goals. If you want to write a book, start writing. NOW ! Waiting only belies a lack of faith in the stated “decision.”

    So, instead of talking about how I tend to live in the past and want to do something about that so I’ll enjoy life more…blah blah blah. I’m going to quit living in the past. Period. If I find myself engaging in past thinking, I’m going to switch subjects and move on.

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