Look what I got last night :)

by misanthropic 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi
    Give her a lab rat.....

    Hey, we lab rats are ok...

    What a sweet puppy, Misanthropic! My man has a 9yo chocolate lab. Sweet dog.


  • Gretchen956

    Here's Molly, my Golden/Lab, she will be 2 in August. And, the new addition to the family, BlackJack. I've had BJ a few weeks now, got him at 3 months old. He's about 10 pounds of firecracker in a 2 pound body. I carried in the pet carrier, opened it up and stepped back. Molly was sniffing around to see what was happening. BJ jumped out of the box, sauntered over to Molly, and slapped her calmly across the face, then turned his back on her and strutted away. As if to say, "The new boss is here and don't you forget it."

    As you can see in the picture they are now fast friends and sleep all curled around each other. Molly is slowly re-establishing her alpha role, or at least BJ is letting her think that she is.


  • misanthropic

    Thank you Merfi.
    Thank you CoCo :) I would have gotten one sooner had I known how sweet they are. I hope you keep up on your DD entries as I look foreward to them every day.

    Gretchen- I actually was on your myspace several times looking at your Golden Lab. She's a beautiful dog, my puppy's dad was a golden lab.
    Congrats on your new addition BlackJack, he's very cute and sounds like he knows who's boss...lol

  • misspeaches

    oh Mis! how exciting... I love puppies! Did I tell you I got one. A few months ago now. She is a scruffy naughty little girl who I just adore. And so clever. If we lived near by each other we could have puppy play dates! hehehe...

    Love you darlin.

  • misanthropic

    MissPeaches! Hey you, I've been wondering where you've been lately, married life seems to be keeping you quite busy these days. Yes I saw the pictures of your puppy, she is adorable! I wish we lived close to each other, just think of all the trouble we could get into ;) I sent you an email the other day, you guys still need to come down and see me.

  • misanthropic

    My puppy is 8 months today!
    He's going away for training and I'm gonna miss him.
    Here's a couple pictures of what he looks like now, I took them yesterday.

  • free2think

    He's so cute.

  • watson

    Good looking pooch!

    Do you have any current pics of yourself? :}

  • misanthropic

    Thanks Free2think & Watson! I have a couple other pictures I want to post I just have to upload them first. He has the longest tongue ever, seriously he has a Gene Simmons thing going on.

    Do you have any current pics of yourself? :}

    Nope, I look like a human, female version of my dog though ;-)

  • Tatiana

    He's sooooooo precious!

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