Doggy boot camp? Or hunting school? Which program are you using? I have two bad dogs that I've just starting using "The Culture Clash" methods on... seems to be working better. They are both quiet right now, and Murphy (mini-dach) just went on an entire walk without trying to bite another dog, or going bark-tastic at dogs and bikers...
Look what I got last night :)
by misanthropic 61 Replies latest jw friends
The dog at my mums, when we got him he was really bad, really nervous but now he is at home - it wasnt long before he made it his house.
Same with the kitten, although if you leave him too long when ya come in now he chews your chin...dunno why lol.
Thank you Tatiana- I think he's pretty precious ;-)
Doggy boot camp? Or hunting school? Which program are you using? I have two bad dogs that I've just starting using "The Culture Clash" methods on... seems to be working better. They are both quiet right now, and Murphy (mini-dach) just went on an entire walk without trying to bite another dog, or going bark-tastic at dogs and bikers...
It's more like a doggie boot camp. Are you training yours at home or did they get sent somewhere?
There's a lady on the outskirts of town here that mine was sent to just a little bit ago. It takes about a month but she trains them for everything, so that I can control him on walks and make him sit or behave in general in public or at home. It's a little costly but not really when you consider it's a whole month and it's a lifetime guarantee. If anything goes wrong I can just call her up for help.
KW- yeah dogs are like that, I've noticed whenever I've gotten puppies or dogs it takes a little adjustment for them to feel "at home" but then they're so loyal, it's just worth it. I had a cat before and if I left him home too long he'd rip the place up knocking everything off the counters and tables- cats are a little more deviant and like to punish you if they aren't too happy with I do better with dogs. -
What a sweetie! I love labs. Your baby is adorable.
I'm training them at home. If I weren't godless I'd say "pray for me." LMAO!
Thanks Sherry ;-) I love labs too, such sweet dogs, but I'm sure you already know that with yours.
I'm training them at home. If I weren't godless I'd say "pray for me." LMAO!
lmao, you're gonna do just fine I feel...
You have more patience than I do. I tried but with my schedule it's hard to keep on it the way you have to be when trainig them yourself.
Here are the other 2 pictures I meant to upload yesterday, I had to resize them so maybe they'll fit on the page better this time ;-)
These are in his little runner area in the back: -
Your lab puppy is so cute. We have a yellow lab which you can see in my avatar. He is ten now so he has calmed down a lot. He still loves to swim in our pool though! We didn't give him much formal training but we were lucky he is very good natured , never barks except when the doorbell rings and he thinks everyone is his best friend!!
He is ten now so he has calmed down a lot. He still loves to swim in our pool though!
That's one good thing about when they get older (but their so sweet when their little too). Mine went swimming for the first time a couple weeks ago- he loved it.
I'm sure missing him. -
Try wrapping a ticking clock in a warm towel and putting it in his bed at night. It might help with the crying as it simulates sleeping beside a heartbeat.
just precious