Now you know what it's like to live with a woman!
by mama1119 28 Replies latest jw friends
Now you know what it's like to live with a woman!
My children realize that they will be told something only once.
I won't scream, yell, threaten or otherwise stress myself out. As the parent I rightly expect them to listen.
As the parent I will administer discipline when necessary. Hence, I have never had them embarrass
me with public displays such as have been mentioned. It worked for my parents and grandparents
and it works for me.
Wow, thank you everyone for the great advice. It makes me feel better that other people have been throught the same thing. Its nice to hear from you guys that have been there.
It was said by another, but 3 year olds are the hardest! And the first one is the hardest yet-they feed on your lack of experience and sense your fear. SHOW NO FEAR!!! Be firm, remove them from their 'stage' when necessary, ignore them at home and give them lots of positive reinforcement when they are being good. Give her a silent sign of love and approval-my kids get a forehead rub. Its good, cause when they are older it means more than a kiss and doesn't embarrass them! (they get lots of kisses and hugs, that is just the private sign so its like a hug no one else can see)
In the house when my 6 yo would throw fits, I would walk out of the room, find some laundry to fold or something.
Think about what sets off the tantrums and think about how to prevent them. Is it a lack of attention, boredom, hunger? Mine had some serious growth spurts at that age and was ALWAYS hungry. They also resist naps then, but they still really need that or quiet time. Regular meals and an early bedtime is good. Work on the nutrition-too much fruit/juice is a lot of sugar, even if healthy sugar.
Some of this probably IS about the new baby, since you can't do anything about that, just keep on loving her, encouraging positive interaction and building little bridges of love between them by giving her little responsibilities and priveleges. Things only SHE can do because she is bigger. Things she is responsible for to help with baby -fun things, make her important-be the diaper deliverer, if using cloth, teach her how to fold them and let it be her 'job'. Kids love to be needed and necessary. Make sure she gets recognition of being the big sister-and give her some "being older" perks. Have some special mom/daughter time w/o baby if possible. Even a walk or trip to the park will make her feel special again-cause " baby can't do this with mommy. You are the BIG girl". Everyone wants to be special and important.
Oh, and YOU need some time away from them both. Make sure you get some each week. Cause you are special and important too!
It was said by another, but 3 year olds are the hardest!
It is so true! Two was a walk in the park compared to three....
Now you know what it's like to live with a woman!
I know I shouldn't be laughing at this but you are so right. Thanks for the laugh.
I agree with the suggestions above. I'd also say to praise the behavior you want repeated and 'catch' her being good. Praise goes a long way in getting cooperation from a child.
My daughter could be a brat at times between 2.5-4 years old. But then she became a very loving child. It WILL get better.
You need Nanny 911! That Joe Frost does great on the TV.
What helped me the most was a reward system for good behavior. A wall chart with stars for behaving well in the stores, picking up her toys, speaking like a little lady, etc.
Also not letting children have too much free unsupervised time. I would have them go from activity to activity coloring, art, cutting and glueing, cooking with mom, Play Doe time, physical exersize for kids CD, musis and dance time, dress up,etc.
Funny my daughter got kicked out of ballet school too at that age! She was the only one who would not listen in her class. Instead she wanted to sit in her baby brother's stroller in her tutu. lol...We waited a few years and she tried again and did better.
Enjoy these precious years, they can go by so fast.
Oh and when she gets 3 stars for good behavior have a treasure chest hidden somewhere with special treats and toys that she can choose from. Consistency is the key with these wild girls! daughter is 26 now and her daughter is the same! She is 3 now too!
My daughter called me up "mom I think she is crazy" lol...the circle of life
Oh thank you for reminding me why I love being a grandmother. I raised 3 sons through that stage. I have to say that if you let them get away with bad behavior very often they will totally go against you more. My boys really raised hell and especially my oldest ones. I would not go through that again for a billion dollars. I love my sons but hated the trying times of raising them and trying to make sure they grew up being obiedent and no theat to society. I did use whippings with my hand on occasion to take care of the matter quickly. It seemed the most effective but I didn't like using it.
All I can say is good luck.